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[Resolved] Help re someone faking my domain in a spam


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Hi there

Last night my domain received 200 bounced messages within about 5 minutes from someone who must have used my domain as a fake reply address.

Is there anything I need to do?

Is there any risk of my domain being listed as a spam site and blocked

Thanks for your help


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Last night my domain received 200 bounced messages within about 5 minutes from someone who must have used my domain as a fake reply address.
This happens all the time, since nearly all spam contains from-addresses that are either made up completely or else stolen from strangers. You can read about this here on the SpamCop Wiki.

There isn't much that you can do to stop this, but take heart that the bounces should end within a week or so (unless the spammer decides to pick on you again). I myself have been attacked in this fashion many times (as have many others here), but I do not recall this having caused me any problems (blocked outgoing mail, etc.) outside of the annoying bounces.

Because from-addresses are not trustworthy indications of message origin, SpamCop does not use them for identifying or blocklisting spam, so you won't have any problems with SpamCop. The same can probably be said for most other reputable and competent spam defenses, but we can't rule out the possibility that some less clueful folks may filter messages based on their from-addresses.

Technically speaking, you are not supposed to receive bounces to messages that you yourself didn't send, even if they have your e-mail address in the From-field. SpamCop allows you, if you wish, to report these bounces back to the senders as a form of "blowback" mail abuse.

-- rick

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