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Question about "Single Address" reports


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I have a (hopefully) simple question about the option to report a single address on the report spam form. I've searched around the site quite a bit over the past several months, and have not been able to find anything, though I had expected it to be covered.

Anyway, when you enter a single email address into the Report spam form and click Process spam, you get a page that looks a lot like the report page when you submit a message, but it does not have the option to Send Reports.

Does this actually send any reports, or does it just report the contact email address(es) for the mail server in question for use outside the SpamCop system?

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Hi, weif!


Does this actually send any reports, or does it just report the contact email address(es) for the mail server in question for use outside the SpamCop system?

...SpamCop only sends reports when you click the "Send Reports" button. No button, no reports!
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