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Why not update blacklist selections?


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Two questions for SC Admins:

1. Why doesn't SC include zen.spamhaus.org in its list of supplemental DNS blacklists available to SC email users (in SC webmail Tools/User Options)?

2. Does SC provide spamhaus.org DNSBLs as options under their "free use" or "professional use" usage terms? I.e., does SC pay to subscribe to spamhaus.org's Datafeed Service?

Background: Looking for current info on each of the DNSBL's listed as user options (in order to make a more informed choice), I noticed that the Spamhaus Project website specifically recommends using zen.spamhaus.org instead of its sbl, xbl and pbl lists. I'm certainly not a DNSBL expert, but it does seems more efficient to make one list query instead of up to 3. But of course, I would not want SC to violate spamhaus.org's usage terms :)

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Two questions for SC Admins:

Technically, only one Admin involved in the subject matter. Please see;

Why are there so many different account names/passwords needed?

SpamCop Staff

1. Why doesn't SC include zen.spamhaus.org in its list of supplemental DNS blacklists available to SC email users (in SC webmail Tools/User Options)?

Actually answered a long time ago at Update to blacklist options needed, zen.spamhaus.org, please .... found via use of the search tools found at the top of this screen. Keyword used was zen.spamhaus, but will also note that your Subject/Topic title would probably have worked also.

2. Does SC provide spamhaus.org DNSBLs as options under their "free use" or "professional use" usage terms? I.e., does SC pay to subscribe to spamhaus.org's Datafeed Service?

Not known on this side of the screen, although with the above answer using the words "mirroring the databases" there would seem to be some assumptions available.

Noting that there are other discussions around dealing with adding and/or changing that selection list. For example, the failure and demise of cn.rbl.cluecentral.net and Blackholes.us leading to repacement with countries.nerd.dk found at;

spam Increase

[Resolved] Blackholing China (cn.rbl.cluecentral.net) broken, RBL obviously not queried properly

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