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Roswell UFO crash truth revealed (or not?) <g>


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The craft, she writes, wasn't an alien spaceship, as many have since theorized, nor was it a weather balloon, as the U.S. military alleged in its clumsy cover story. It was, according to Jacobsen, a Nazi-inspired Soviet spy plane with Cyrillic letters embossed on the hull, crewed by malformed adolescents, two of whom survived the crash.

Stalin used captured Nazi aircraft designs to build the plane, according to Jacobsen. She says he had Mengele provide surgically altered "grotesque child-sized aviators" who were supposed to climb out of the aircraft and be mistaken for visitors from Mars -- to sow the kind of confusion in the U.S. created by Orson Welles's 1938 "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast.

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Glad to have that matter cleared up after all those years...but what puzzles me is why Mengele (an ODESSA type) would have worked for Stalin, and how he was able to "provide" the pilots in 1947, well after his tenure as the Angel of Death was up? I guess those who are curious will have to buy the book (which may well be the motivation behind the release of this tidbit).

-- rick

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And here I was, blaming Japan's Unit 731 quite unfairly. Just goes to show - a spot of human vivisection without anaesthetic and you're blamed for everything. But I still think those Roswell aliens looked sorta Asian ... still, Uncle Joe wouldn't have anything to do with the Japanese, would he? Apart from declaring war on them as soon as he was sure they were about to surrender. But then he might have been given access to their facilities and resources in north China once the ChiComs gained control there. This seems to me a more likely explanation for the crews' origin than Jacobsen's conjecture and I've put far more research into my version already.

For our British readers here are a couple more intriguing exposes, these from Teesside, ever the hotbed of ferment and fevered revelation:



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