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[Resolved] Spamcop report of Google Doc spam says "no source IP"

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I reported a spam containing a Google Doc link to Spamcop.net but the response from the Spamcop system was "No source IP found, cannot proceed."

The report URL is http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z5061352692z5...551abebbb1e373z

Is the spammer using a way to circumvent Spamcop, or is there something in Spamcop that needs to be fixed so this kind of email can be reported properly?

Thanks. :)

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Hi, authentic8, and welcome!

...First: thank you for providing the report URL (aka Tracking Link)!

...Please check SpamCop Forum article "Blogger based Spamsite's not recognized by Spamcop," especially the second sentence of StevenUnderwood's reply. And please let us know whether this seems relevant to your situation by returning here to post a reply to this "thread."

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The email is from a Google user to another Google user. Since the spam was handled internally by Google, and didn't go out onto the Internet, SpamCop can't handle it. That sort of spam should be reported directly to Google.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -


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The email is from a Google user to another Google user. Since the spam was handled internally by Google, and didn't go out onto the Internet, SpamCop can't handle it. That sort of spam should be reported directly to Google.

Thanks, this makes sense.

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