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webform wont accept reports from ccm39.constantcontact.com


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Hi, M8R-t932qu,

...Sorry to hear of your problem.

...You posted your inquiry to the SpamCop "Routing / Report Address Issues" Forum. I take this as a reasonable place but, as it happens, this kind of query is more appropriate for the "SpamCop Reporting Help" and I am taking the liberty of moving it there with this post.

...For future reference, please do not post long lists -- full internet headers and long spam bodies. Rather, follow the instructions in article "Start Here - before you make your first Post" (which appears on the main Forum menu) sub-article "How-to Post a Question - Short," especially the section labeled "The Details." In fact, following those instructions and posting a follow-up here may be most helpful for those of us who would like to help you.

...It is hard for me to tell from your "CODE" but it appears that there are blank lines interspersed in your headers. Standard e-mail format requires that there be contiguous lines of header, followed by a blank line, followed by e-mail content; the SpamCop parser intentionally discards anything that does not look like standard e-mail format. Are you able to describe how you found these headers?

...FWIW, I tried submitting the content you included in the "CODE" box and the result included the following:

Parsing header:

This header is incomplete. Please supply the full headers of the spam you're trying to report.

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.Add/edit your mailhost configuration

Finding full email headers

Submitting spam via email (may work better)

Example: What spam headers should look like

Nothing to do.

Do any of those links help? Note: do not use the "Submitting spam via email" option if you use Microsoft Outlook as your e-mail client! MS Outlook Express is okay, though (I think).
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Hi M8R-t932qu,

I think you may have already understood that the problem with that one is with the several very long header lines which have not continued/wrapped correctly when you have tried to paste them. Here is the tracking URL showing the broken headers (and additional line breaks noted by Steve T):


Here is something like the parse that would be achieved if those were pasted correctly into the webform (a cancelled submission from an account with no mailhosts configuration):


If you are happy to discuss this case on the basis of those tracking URLs, please go back and delete all the spam detail - headers and body - in your original post while you are still within the edit timeframe (later you will be unable to). I have tried to continue the light munging of your email address in the body and headers of the spam that you used (and apparently missed many) but I may have guessed wrong and un-munged it all. The parser actually does a decent job of heavy munging itself but misses several instances where the significant partial part of the address is embedded. That is not so important in the tracking URL of a cancelled submission.

Those problem lines were

  • Authentication-Results:
  • DKIM-Signature:
  • List-Unsubscribe:
  • Subject: (only in the "Code" version of the headers)

Now, if you copied the headers direct from your e-mail application/client display of the source (in accordance with the links highlighted by Steve T above) and pasted them directly into the webform and found they were NOT continuous lines (those listed have been made continuous in the successful parse above) or broken but indented (as for instance the "Received:" lines), then it is necessary to do one thing or the other to make them that way. The following about editing may be helpful.

Whether the problem was caused when you tried to edit the data or whether it was already "broken", then you might be better off doing subsequent editing within the webform before submitting the spam (noting that your email address appears many times within the text and the HTML sections of the body and it is perfectly permissible to munge - even heavily munge - those occurrences). The webform will show incorrectly wrapped lines quite unambiguously, unlike (say) Notepad.

Having said all that, I actually "cheated" and did my editing in Wordpad (not Notepad), not the submission form - using landscape page orientation to make it a little easier to see the actual and the faux wrapping - and also that application supports global find and replace for munging. If you use this, remember that Ctrl-A is "select all" when it is time to copy for pasting.

Does this help?

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If you are happy to discuss this case on the basis of those tracking URLs, please go back and delete all the spam detail - headers and body - in your original post while you are still within the edit timeframe (later you will be unable to).

...If you wish this to be done but prefer to not do it yourself or the edit timeframe elapses, please post here and I'll be happy to do it for you.

Now, if you copied the headers direct from your e-mail application/client display of the source (in accordance with the links highlighted by Steve T above) and pasted them directly into the webform and found they were NOT continuous lines (those listed have been made continuous in the successful parse above) or broken but indented (as for instance the "Received:" lines), then it is necessary to do one thing or the other to make them that way.


...But do not submit a parse result to send reports unless you are pretty sure you have not violated the rule prohibiting "Material changes to spam."
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