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Responding to confirm w/Outlook

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I went through the steps to configure my account with the new 'mailhost' option on the site. (I just tripped upon it - should I have been notified somehow?)

I configured my accounts in the way that it asked, by entering my email addresses on the site, then both sending the original email as an attachment, and copying the body into a new email and sending to the response address. Perhaps that was my (first) mistake.

I got back the following message:

Hello SpamCop user,

Sorry, but SpamCop has encountered errors:

Sorry, source IP not found.

Your email host does not appear to correctly identify the sending IP of the email you receive.

Is the problem that I'm using Outlook 97, that I'm a dork, or that I'm missing something?

Thanks in advance,


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How can i register an Exchange (Outlook) email for the new "mailhosts" system? The problem is, of course, when i forward the registration email back to you, Outlook doesn't include the headers! Is there an alternative way to register, akin to the special Outlook spam submission form?



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How can i register an Exchange (Outlook) email for the new "mailhosts" system? The problem is, of course, when i forward the registration email back to you, Outlook doesn't include the headers! Is there an alternative way to register, akin to the special Outlook spam submission form?



Hi, glauber!


  • Right-click the e-mail
  • Click "Options"
  • Click in the "Internet headers" box or press Ctrl-h
  • Press Alt-a to select all the information in the Internet headers box
  • Press Alt-c to copy the information into the copy buffer
  • Click the "Reply" button
  • Press Ctrl-v to paste the Internet headers into the e-mail
  • Send the e-mail

HTH. Good luck!

...Attn: Moderators -- please consider merging this into Mailhost system beta testing, since that is where Julian has asked that we

<snip> followup here with your thoughts and/or problems.
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How can i register an Exchange (Outlook) email for the new "mailhosts" system? The problem is, of course, when i forward the registration email back to you, Outlook doesn't include the headers! Is there an alternative way to register, akin to the special Outlook spam submission form?



Hi, glauber!


  • Right-click the e-mail
  • Click "Options"
  • Click in the "Internet headers" box or press Ctrl-h
  • Press Ctrl-a to select all the information in the Internet headers box
  • Press Ctrl-c to copy the information into the copy buffer
  • Click the "Reply" button
  • Press Ctrl-v to paste the Internet headers into the e-mail
  • Send the e-mail

HTH. Good luck!

It worked, thanks! (I edited your instructions above: it's Ctrl-A/C to highlight and copy the headers, not Alt-A/C.)


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