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Collateral Damage


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how else do you whinners suggest we stop all the crap?

there are too many crappy isp's who don't do anything bc of $$ and ignorance. I say if you don't act responsibly blacklist the who thing and not the ip's. my isp is rr and they are big time dirtbags. they would shape up if they started getting blackilsted. if you have better solution lets hear it.............

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Seems like more collateral damage to innocent bystanders,

from SpamCop “carpet bombing” a whole ISP - and then hope

that the innocent bystanders can force the ISP to take action.

Before you make your useless comments you should understand how the process works. But that is the problem with Trolls, they think they do not have to read because they know everything. Actually with your comments it shows how little you know and how fluently you know it..

I will not go into how Spamcop does not block anything or about the fact that only IP's get on the SCBL. I think you will just have to have someone read it to you.

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Seems like more collateral damage to innocent bystanders,

from SpamCop “carpet bombing” a whole ISP - and then hope

that the innocent bystanders can force the ISP to take action.

Before you make your useless comments you should understand how the process works. But that is the problem with Trolls, they think they do not have to read because they know everything. Actually with your comments it shows how little you know and how fluently you know it..

I will not go into how Spamcop does not block anything or about the fact that only IP's get on the SCBL. I think you will just have to have someone read it to you.

Merlyn ...

I know all too well how SpamCop (the system, and the listing,

and the fools - some not all - who report themselves or some

innocent sender, and the secret "moles" and all the "spamtraps"

that don't work correctly) but, it's convenient for you to pretend

that I don't know - so go ahead, denial of reality may suit you.

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I will not go into how Spamcop does not block anything or about the fact that only IP's get on the SCBL. I think you will just have to have someone read it to you.

I think he needs to go to an indoctrination camp, something on the line of the "barbed wire, loud speakers, solitary confinement and readings of Mao and spamcop rules"!

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I will not go into how Spamcop does not block anything or about the fact that only IP's get on the SCBL. I think you will just have to have someone read it to you.

I think he needs to go to an indoctrination camp, something on the line of the "barbed wire, loud speakers, solitary confinement and readings of Mao and spamcop rules"!

Yes, dra007, I can see how that might appeal to someone who believes

that their own brainwashing is a substitute for knowledge. Or, perhaps you

think that "concentration camps" were used to help people "concentrate".

It seems you are a little confused by linking Communism and SpamCop,

but then (out of the mouths of silly people), perhaps the analogy is not an

inappropriate one. SpamCop can be a bit of an "opiate for the masses".

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confused by linking Communism and SpamCop

It was there to add strength to the image, bottom line is if you don't like spamcop, why are you here? I don't need knowledge to know what works for me, if blocking spammers IPs reduces the spam I have to delete everyday I am thankful for that, as are most people that report to spamcop.

You are welcome to vent your frustrations elsewhere!

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To be fair to yourbuddy, s/he is not against all blocklists - only spamcop which s/he alleges blocked hir mistakenly. spamcop does have a higher rate of 'false positives' - people who are not spammers who are using the same server as a spammer. There are also 'mistakes' by reporters and the parser (which are generally fixed promptly by spamcop admin).

yourbuddy prefers content filtering to blocklists as a method of controlling spam.

Unlike some of the posters, yourbuddy does understand about how spammers and blocklists operate. yourbuddy just disagrees that all unsolicited email is unwanted or unnecessary and that the *sender* should be responsible for seeing to it that spam is stopped - or that end users should be responsible for choosing a reliable email service.

Unfortunately, yourbuddy is not alone in holding those views. yourbuddy does seem to have taken on discrediting spamcop as a life mission however, and rarely 'debates' the issues or proposes anything new.

IMHO, blocklists are the logical answer to the control of spam. However, there are dangers in using blocklists (particularly to my mind, the prevalent use of blocklists that the end user can not evaluate as a consumer). There is too little education of average end users so they can make informed choices. Too many people think spam is inevitable and that nothing can be done about it. For a communication medium, there is woefully little communication about its problems and how to use it.

Miss Betsy

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Seems like more collateral damage to innocent bystanders,

from SpamCop “carpet bombing” a whole ISP - and then hope

that the innocent bystanders can force the ISP to take action.

Before you make your useless comments you should understand how the process works. But that is the problem with Trolls, they think they do not have to read because they know everything. Actually with your comments it shows how little you know and how fluently you know it..

I will not go into how Spamcop does not block anything or about the fact that only IP's get on the SCBL. I think you will just have to have someone read it to you.

...Please don't feed trolls! :)

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I knew I was in the "lions den" here, but I didn't expect

the stampede of donkeys :D and don't forget, I was invited

here by a notice from SpamCop that said I could get further

details here as to why I was blocked (when actually my ISP

was blocked), and was met by obnoxious "gatekeepers".

Since then, some of you have actually displayed a good

level of knowledge and been helpful, while some of the lions

sometimes seem to mingle with the donkeys - very strange.

Let's face it - you asked me here - and now that I'm here

you will hear what I don't like about SpamCop's system.

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I knew I was in the "lions den" here, but I didn't expect

the stampede of donkeys  :D  and don't forget, I was invited

here by a notice from SpamCop that said I could get further

details here as to why I was blocked (when actually my ISP

was blocked), and was met by obnoxious "gatekeepers".

Since then, some of you have actually displayed a good

level of knowledge and been helpful, while some of the lions

sometimes seem to mingle with the donkeys - very strange.

Let's face it - you asked me here - and now that I'm here

you will hear what I don't like about SpamCop's system.

...You were directed here (Help forum) to ask questions (not by me).

...As I've mentioned elsewhere, I will defend your right to post whatever you want but I expect you to post opinions about SpamCop.net to the forum set up for opinions -- the Lounge.

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When I feel that my opinions (like yours - which are only your opinions)

are useful to visitors to the Help Forum - then I will respond in the Help Forum.

If you want to respond to me (rather than the visitor to the Help Forum) you

can try sending me a Private Message, or start a topic in the Lounge.

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When I feel that my opinions (like yours - which are only your opinions)

are useful to visitors to the Help Forum - then I will respond in the Help Forum.

If you want to respond to me (rather than the visitor to the Help Forum) you

can try sending me a Private Message, or start a topic in the Lounge.

...yourbuddy, I haven't thought this through, yet, so I may change my opinion back -- but I think you've convinced me on this!

...Having said this, I still hope you'll consider in future when you are about to post your view of SpamCop whether it might be better to do so in the Lounge (perhaps with an a pointer to it back in the original message). This will help minimize the noise-to-signal ratio for the folks who are looking for specific answers to specific questions rather than an exchange of pros and cons about SpamCop.


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I think you would agree with me that everyone is tired of receiving mortgage quotes, penis enlargement, breast enhancement, weight loss, nude 40 year old teenage sluts, Viagra, vacation, lottery, prescription drug, business opportunities, genealogical, university degrees, gambling, get rich quick, MLM, pyramid schemes, Web Cams, Russian brides, work from home, stock scams, pirated software and everything else that is force fed into our inboxes.


Can I say an AMEN to that?

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