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My ISP blocks reports to SC


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I still have "fuel" in my SC account, and would like to continue using it.

Today my ISP -Alice- let me know that unfortunately in their new Webmail there is no option to add trusted email addresses -as was possible in their previous Webmail version. And using MailWasher to forward spam to SC I get the message that "The SMTP server cannot or will not send the message (etc.)", and below that appears my SC email submitting address. I suppose my ISP's spam filter reads "spam" in the address, and "thinking" it is spam, blocks it.

In the old Webmail I had added my SC email address under "trusted addresses", and the reports were submitted to SC.

My ISP advised I use another mail host for that now.

I just posted on the MW forum asking if by adding a -still to be made- Gmail account address to MailWasher, as well as to my Opera mail, and changing my address on SC account also to that new one, I could still keep my old address, but have MW report spam to SC using that new added address.

I guess that is possible. I would have to get the WM Pro version -the free one only allows 1 address- and have SC send the confirmation request emails to me via that new address.

On the other hand, I wonder if I could report spam I get via my current address without the use of MW Pro to SC via a new still to get Gmail address. I have never used a different mail host besides my ISP's, but I have a Google account.


SpamCop doesn't care where you send your spam in from. You can use your current 'submit' address with any email service.

It would be nice if you could get an email service that will let you use their SMTP server to send mail. You could point MailWasher to that service.

You can log into your account here and tell SpamCop to use a new contact address. You have to keep your current login username, but you can have SpamCop send its mail to you anywhere you want.

- Don Dominion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -



Thank you. That was fast. I saw 2 people were reading this topic, you and myself, so I did not log out, but waited a while and refreshed, to see if you had answered.

What free email service do you recommend that uses SMTP? Does Gmail? Or would you recommend another one?


I just found this info, and see what I can do with it, although I don't fully understand it yet, this being new to me: http://lifehacker.com/111166/how-to-use-gm...our-smtp-server


...Alice added to the list at E-Mail spam submittals blocked by your ISP?, referenced in "SpamCop FAQ."

Unfortunately... but thanks. I'll reply to my ISP's email with the link you gave. Maybe they learn something from it.

But besides the above given link I posted for setting up a Gmail account to bypass one's ISP, I also found this somewhat clearer info on how to do that: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthrea...p?threadid=4857


Oops, I just saw that my ISP send that answer to me a "no reply" email. Telling me I can call the help desk if I still have a question. :rolleyes:

I don't think I'm going to spell out the URLs of this forum through the phone... :D And writing the URLs in yet a second paper letter to them is not going to change anything I'm afraid. (The Alice office never pays much attention to emails their help desk once told me. :lol: They advised me to better send a letter. I did and at least got their email reply.)

But I was given their email address once by one of their always friendly and helpful help desk people, so what the heck, I'll use that anyway. Even though so far they have never responded to one I send them yet. And even that email address is nowhere to be found on their website... B)

For me in Holland it is info[at]nl.alice.nl


Come to think of it, Alice has replied to emails I send them.

(I just send them an email with the links to this thread and the one with the page of ISP who don't pass on reports to SC, and already received a confirmation reply from them, promising to respond withing 2 workdays.)

My apologies, dear Alice. :wub:


With the help of Don D'Minion and some folks on MailWasher's forum I was finally again able to successfully submit my first spam to SpamCop today, using MW (free). :D

My ISP had told me months ago that they were still working on improving their Webmail, and that it would be better than before... so I waited. But recently hearing from them that it was not possible to add trusted addresses in their new Webmail version -which was blocking submit mails to SC- I decided to see if there was a way to by-pass them, and came here again.

Great to be able to submit spam to SC -including Knujon- again! B)

In case anyone in the future would have this problem of their ISP not passing on spam submissions to SC, and would like to find a way to solve that -including using MailWasher- here is the short thread on MW's forum with explanations on how to set it up using GMail:



Great to be able to submit spam to SC -including Knujon- again! B)

In case anyone in the future would have this problem of their ISP not passing on spam submissions to SC, and would like to find a way to solve that -including using MailWasher- here is the short thread on MW's forum with explanations on how to set it up using GMail:


See you are now using Gmail to send your email instead of a hopeless ISP's. I believe I told you must be a year ago NEVER automatically accept an ISP's email account they are dangerous.

Glad to hear you are at least bypassing them to send. Gmail are good however they read email sent through their servers. They call it Data Mining. When I opened mine I did not tell them my age used/spelt my name backwards and said I was single, I use this account for "friendly" spam like my Travel Agent who does have my name and age Google now have this because of "Birthday Greetings" sent by these fools (who lost a good customer). What starts happening is when you watch YouTube ads appear "dating agencies" with women my age? You can try opting out from Data Mining


(first use CCleaner to remove unwanted cookies) then get Opt-Out Cookies and use CCleaner to save them. in "option/cookies"


Thank you very much.

The thing is that I always surf sandboxed using Sandboxie. I have it set to always empty the sandbox when I close my browser. So any cookie that might have been there is gone.

I just did the "cookie check" using the NAI website (sandboxed as I am now, while that site is on my other tab) and the whole list is "No Cookie. You have not opted out and you have no cookie from this network."

So much for cookies. I also don't get adds in YouTube because my AdMuncher munches them up. I only get to see the videos.

Also, I only use GMail to report spam to SC, for nothing else. All my regular mail goes through the email address I got years ago from my ISP.

I do see a single one line add above the IN field on my GMail page when I go there, but even opting out of personalized adds and disabling web history does not stop a one line add from appearing. It doesn't bother me though. What's more, because I don't have to go to my GMail page to report spam to SC -only have MailWasher forward it through GMail- I never even see that one line add... :)

I was not sure all cookies were gone after closing my browser, but now I have seen it. So again, thanks.


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