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[Resolved] Help with figuring out why I keep getting listed?


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My own email server keeps getting blocked:

Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?

A few weeks ago, when it first got blocked, I had a bunch of vacation autoresponders and stuff like that. I've since disabled all of that, and turned off pretty much every bounce message I can find (I'm using IMail v8).

But I keep getting listed.

The same server also runs a forum where registration emails are sent to whatever address people put in, so there's really nothing I can do if someone puts in a spamcop "honeypot" address.

Do you have any suggestions?



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No suggestions but here is some further information. Two 'human' reports from yesterday.

Submitted: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 23:16:15 GMT:
Oh my, Christian! College nude run made me wanna show my nudity in public! #...

	5708078627 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: tatyana.kalacheva[at]telecom.kz
	5708078626 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: akushner[at]online.kz
	5708078625 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: onekrasova#online.kz[at]devnull.spamcop.net
	5708078624 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: bilyarov[at]online.kz
	5708078623 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: nic#online.kz[at]devnull.spamcop.net
	5708078622 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: dzhusipbek[at]online.kz
	5708078621 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: natalya.petrova[at]telecom.kz
	5708078619 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: dsuranchin#online.kz[at]devnull.spamcop.net
	5708078616 ( http://www.subota.kz/Edward ) To: lserebryanik#online.kz[at]devnull.spamcop.net
	5708078615 ( ) To: abuse[at]spdnetwork.net
	5708078614 ( ) To: support[at]spdnetwork.net 

Submitted: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:26:14 GMT:

	5708103194 ( ) To: [concealed user-defined recipient]
	5708103193 ( ) To: abuse[at]spdnetwork.net
	5708103192 ( ) To: support[at]spdnetwork.net 

Which looks like good old-fashioned spam rather than vacation bounces. Looks like you have an infected machine somewhere on your network.

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Thanks for getting back to me. I'm running a virus scan on the server now, but is there any more information you can give me? Maybe a header of the spam that was sent so I can see the User Agent of the server or something?

I'm trying to figure out if this is a problem in my Imail or in my IIS SMTP.



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