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[Resolved] Spamcop Reporting Website Down?


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Yes, spamcop.net is down for me Peter (this forum is on a different server, the e-mail side). Stats graph seems to be indicating some downtime. Also senderbase.org, stopforumspam.com and some others. Seem to ping okay but time out for internet connection.

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Yes, spamcop.net is down for me Peter (this forum is on a different server, the e-mail side). Stats graph seems to be indicating some downtime. Also senderbase.org, stopforumspam.com and some others. Seem to ping okay but time out for internet connection.

site also appears to be down here. On login, the following message appears:

An error occurred while processing your request.

Reference #97.7426d540.1332178661.de03c40

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I was able to successfully submit by mail and send the reports this morning around 06:17 PDT, but by 08:55 PDT, it was down. They were accepted and sent back the response email with the SpamCop links but each of those errored out each time.

Here is one of the errors:

Well, crap. That one worked! Let me try the other two now...

An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.1f443917.1332179422.1affcbb1

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Maybe it's coming back soon. The stats graph is showing activity. Got nothing before (timeout), now I'm connecting and getting the error message others have mentioned. Keep an eye on the stats graph.

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