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[Resolved] How do I change my password?


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I've searched for half an hour, but I can't find it.

I have a report-only account. I'd like to change the password. I've looked in the Preferences tab. Either I'm suffering a brain fart, or it's not there

I've searched the forum. I found a couple of mentions of going to the "Denied" link. But that post was from 2004. When I did do that, anyway, it said my account was converted to a flat rate account, and the account was not reset. Then it wanted me to log in to webmail.

I'm sure it's right there in front of me and I'm missing it. Can someone help me out?



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I have a report-only account. I'd like to change the password. I've looked in the Preferences tab. Either I'm suffering a brain fart, or it's not there

For reporting accounts, make sure you go to http://www.spamcop.net/ and login. Click on "Preferences" and the third option down is "Change Password".

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Yep. Saw that page. Clicked on the link to the "Denied" page. Reported the results in my original post.

For reporting accounts, make sure you go to http://www.spamcop.net/ and login. Click on "Preferences" and the third option down is "Change Password".

I saw a couple of other mentions of it being in Prefs. That's certainly where I'd expect to find it. But, I don't have a third option.

Here's what I see:

User Preferences

Report Handling Options

Non-critical, but possibly interesting options for more technical users. Report copies, confirmation dialog selection.

Change Email address or name

Change your display name and email address

I've gone into both of those options, and it's not in those, either.

Time for me to contact support directly?


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I saw a couple of other mentions of it being in Prefs. That's certainly where I'd expect to find it. But, I don't have a third option.

Here's what I see:

User Preferences

Report Handling Options

Non-critical, but possibly interesting options for more technical users. Report copies, confirmation dialog selection.

Change Email address or name

Change your display name and email address

I've gone into both of those options, and it's not in those, either.

Time for me to contact support directly?


Seems like it Drake - try Don D'Minion, SpamCop Admin - service[at]admin.spamcop.net - might also involve the e-mail side (mention of "converted to flat-rate account") but Don will be able to see if so.

That seems like some sort of bug with the flat-rate account preferences but I'm sure there's actually a very good reason for it, evidently tied into the account status.

What I see - when logged in to my free reporting account at http://members.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=prefmenu - is

User Preferences

Report Handling Options

Non-critical, but possibly interesting options for more technical users. Report copies, confirmation dialog selection.

Change Email address or name

Change your display name and email address

Change Password

Make it a good one, and change it frequently.

Add Fuel

SpamCop service is metered by the byte. Fill up here when you run low. Or just buy fuel to donate money to this worthy cause!

And the link for the "Change Password" is


Now, even if you can access the link when logged in to your account, I wouldn't be using it (no harm in looking though) until I had "spoken" to Don if I were you. You might lose your "fuel" if you have some.

AND ... a big thanks for revealing a hitherto unsuspected complication with the password resetting and sticking with it, sorting it out will potentially help others. Can only imagine that any previous reporters stumbling into it must have given up without resolving it. We (fellow reporters) don't want that.

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I has been so long that I can't remember the details. I remember fuel at one point. I remember a $30/yr at one point. I remember my login being changed to an [at]spamcop.net username. But I can't remember the sequence that any of that happened. And I'm not sure when was the last time I was charged anything by Spamcop.

Sounds like my account is in some sort of limbo.

Anyway, I'll contact Don. Thanks.


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Turns out I have an email account. So, the password change is over in those options. It was a bit confusing, since I'm not actually using the Spamcop mail system. The way I use it is essentially as report-only. I'm not sure why I switched over. I must have figured out that it was cheaper at one point.

Anyway, now I have a reasonably strong password.


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Beauty Drake, thanks for the confirmation, marking as "Resolved". At least we don't have some extra level of complexity to consider.

I suppose in retrospect the "converted to a flat rate account" mention you saw and subsequent redirection to the e-mail login page was the give away that it was addressable through the mail system. As you say, confusing when you don't use SC e-mail account and it all happened long ago.

Hopefully this will all help inform other lost souls in times to come.

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