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My Computer Zone


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Hi, all.

I tweaked the registry to enable the My Computer Zone in the Internet Options dialog of Internet Explorer.

Upon going into the My Computer Zone Sites dialog box to see what was there, I noticed that the following URL was set up to be in the My Computer Zone:

The WHOIS shows the following:

whois -h whois.arin.net ...

Performance Systems International Inc. PSINETA (NET-38-0-0-0-1) -

Performance Systems International Inc. COGENT-NB-0002 (NET-38-112-0-0-1) -

Looking further:

OrgName: Performance Systems International Inc.


Address: 1015 31st Street, NW

City: Washington

StateProv: DC

PostalCode: 20007

Country: US

Any idea who these guys are, and why they were added into the My Computer Zone? It's especially troubling, seeing that the address is Washington, DC. Is our government spying on us, perhaps?

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I don't know about the tweak you're referring to .. so does this "My Computer Zone" somehow relate to the "Trusted Zone" perhaps? ... There have been a number of special folks that manipulated enough bits to slide themselves in there unbenownsth to the user ... AOL is one of these for instance.

Then we go to that "you made this Zone available" ... "then went there and found"

There's this question of timing .... or is there really a "My Computer Zone" ???? maybe your tweak just renamed an existing Zone?

http://www.psinet.com/ ??? PSI has been around for eons ..

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Yep, there's really a My Computer Zone... it allows you to tweak the security settings for the local computer much as you would for the Internet Zone or Restricted Zone (for instance, I've got mine set up so I'm alerted any time a scri_pt or Java applet tries to run locally).

You can read about how to enable the My Computer Zone on the following MS web page:


In short:

The Flags value in the following registry key determines whether you can view the My Computer security zone on the Security tab in the Internet Options dialog box:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0

The Flags value is a DWORD value. Setting the data value of the Flags value to 47 (in hexadecimal) causes the My Computer security zone to be displayed. Setting the data value of the Flags value to 21 (in hexadecimal) causes the My Computer security zone to be hidden.

So, why would (Performance Systems International Inc.) be in the My Computer Zone, what does this company do? Has anyone else seen this company in their My Computer Zone?

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