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are the deputies around today


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Greetings folks.

my mail server apparently got listed on spamcop. the owner of our ip block thinks he either didn't get the report or accidentaly deleted it (probably). I have senytseveral emails to deputies[at]spamcop.net and have not had a response for over 4 hours. typically they have responded to my emails within an hour. Is there something wrong, and if so what can i do to get a copy of the missing report.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Ellen has been around today.

You may be able to tell if spam reports were sent by going to SCBL evidence page and inputting the IP that is allegedly listed, however if emails are going to spamtrap addresses then reports aren't sent. Reports filed by users who have asked for "mole status" won't generate spam reports either.

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This brings up an interesting question. Shouldn't it be part of the process that we notify the owner of the IP that he has been blocked? I would guess that the evidence page itself would be sufficient to send along, along with instructions on how to interact with the SpamCop web site.


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i think loafman has a great idea. i know looking at the evidence page leaves a whole lot to be desired. my company has been listed several times. once or twice, we had a user not realize she was spamming. two other times were for pure accidents, once was a typo.

trying to get removed from the black list has been an absolute nightmare. i realize spam is a problem, i just installed antispam software here at work as well as at home, but to get blacklisted for 3 days for a typo seems like an awfully rough price.

I do want to say thank you to whatever did get me off the list now .

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how does a typo get you listed lets see...

website viewer sends email to webmaster[at]mydomainname.com. webmaster[at]mydomainname.com is an alias to junior_webmaster[at]mydomainname.com. junior webmaster leaves company. junior webmaster's email is supposed to get forwarded to boss senior_webmaster[at]mydomainname.com. someone sets junior_webmaster[at]mydomainname.com to forward to senior_webmaster[at]mydomain.com (left off part of the domain).

website viewer gets a bounced email from my server because email to senior_webmaster[at]mydomain.com does not exist on my mail server. website viewer reports this to spam cop. spam cop sees this as a relay since my mail server accepted email for a domain it did not control.

fortunately when i finally found out how to get in touch with the deputies, they were kind enough to promptly remove us from the list.

kinda screwy wasn't it.

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how does a typo get you listed lets see...


kinda screwy wasn't it.

Well, it would have been less confusing if you'd described it as a bounce being reported, though I wasn't aware that Julian had changed the algorithm back to listing an IP based on one spam report.

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Shouldn't it be part of the process that we notify the owner of the IP that he has been blocked?

i think loafman has a great idea.

You mean that you don't notify the IP owner? Whyever not? And to think that you get surprised when people show up here angry.

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You mean that you don't notify the IP owner? Whyever not? And to think that you get surprised when people show up here angry.

I am inclined to agree. My mail server has been blacklisted... I was not notified, and now I can't send email.

Not even to the email address at -your- server which -you- specify for complaints about erroneous reports. Which is a bit ironic- you blacklist a server so that they can't send email to a good portion of the world, then ask them to send you an email to inform you that you did so in error.

Quite frankly, I'm pissed off. I can't send email to anybody without getting it bounced, because apparently the guy who hosts my server uses your list. So my family and I are all incapable of sending email because some moron reported our three-member server as a source of spam. Either the spammer falsified his server address and I will be quite likely to take legal action if you don't remove the server from your list, or the person who reported us was doing so in error, and I will be quite likely to take legal action if you don't remove the server from your list.

I am outraged to realize that you have rendered my rather expensive server account entirely useless because you think I'm sending advertisements all across the globe... especially since nobody notified me, and I only found out about it a few hours ago when Outlook informed me that I am incapable of sending a single message.

Below is my server info, copied and pasted right from OITC, whose domain-to-isp search was the only bit of technobabble on all of your sites that I was able to understand- surprising considering my background in IT. I'm posting it just in case one of you nitwits decides to stop being so condescending and do something about your own ignorant errors.

macolytes.com = mail3.wehostmacs.com = which uses the following mailservers:

mail.macolytes.com MX

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You mean that you don't notify the IP owner? Whyever not? And to think that you get surprised when people show up here angry.

I am inclined to agree. My mail server has been blacklisted... I was not notified, and now I can't send email.


macolytes.com = mail3.wehostmacs.com = which uses the following mailservers:

mail.macolytes.com MX

You'll need to provide more information. The SCBL evidence page for shows:

· Query bl.spamcop.net -

· is mail3.wehostmacs.com

· not listed in bl.spamcop.net

· SpamCop has no record of this system

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Here's the text of the message I get from Outlook when I try to send an email. It's all the information I have left to add.

The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address was 'chance[at]macolytes.com'. Subject 'Re: Elections', Account: 'mail.macolytes.com', Server: 'mail.macolytes.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1 your server is on the SpamCop Blocking List, see http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml. For further information, see http://www.oitc.com/EIMS/DNSblError.html?D...PAMCOP.NET', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

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Quite frankly, I'm pissed off. I can't send email to anybody without getting it bounced, because apparently the guy who hosts my server uses your list.

Well, that's somethinng you need to take up with him/her. You are paying for a service which you are not getting because he/she has misconfigured the server. Spamcop lists are used by some admins to reject incoming mail, this is the first time I have heard of anyone using it to block OUTGOING mail from their own customer!

As spambo has siad, your IP is NOT and HAS NEVER BEEN listed by spamcop. Just because a misconfigured server says it is dosn't mean it really is. OITC or whatever you call them, also quoted by the misconfigured server is not part of the spamcop site.

Your issue here is with XO communications. You're not and never have been listed by Spamcop but are listed by two minor blocklists according to dnsbl.info

see http://www.five-ten-sg.com/blackhole.php?i...3&Search=Search

for your five-ten-sg llisting information. I suspect this may be the cause of your trouble. Either way, it's nothing to do with spamcop, whatever the failure messasge might say!



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Shouldn't it be part of the process that we notify the owner of the IP that he has been blocked?

You mean that you don't notify the IP owner? Whyever not? And to think that you get surprised when people show up here angry.

How about we turn that around a bit. Normally, the spam complaint/report process results in complaints being sent to some entity found to be be at least somewhat responsible for a certain IP. Issues there include registration data, size of the IP range that may be involved, WHOIS data, and in some cases, just exactly where the source IP fits into anything.

So user X could come in here upset at a listing, stating no notifications. IP offered up ends up showing an e-mail server running "at the house" ... and hundreds of complaints haveing been sent to user X's ISP ...

More often, user X comes in hot under the collar, but IP and evidence shows that user X's ISP is a spam-friendly host with much of it's IP range already blocked by SPEWS, but user X only knows that "he/she never sent any spam" .... thus of course, another "no notifiaction" scnario ..

Then there are the systems rooted, compromised, or simply virus infected that end up carpet bombing the world and some spamtrap addresses are included in the spew ... these could trigger an automatic listing, but that is also balanced by the automatic de-listing if/when the spew stops ...

One could conjer up the possibility that mole reporters could tip the formula into listing an IP, but that actually seems a bit 'out there' to imagine that a spem spew would be so targetted that only mole reporters would receive and report ....

So based on the above examples, one would note that in reality, a listing with no notifications is actually a bit rare. Somebody was usually notified, but it may not have been the individual imnpacted by the listing .. and this is where the confusion usually starts.

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Wow. I posted a lengthy and unnecessarily polite message here complaining that nowhere on this site is there any information in plain English regarding how I might go about being removed from the blocklist. I posted asking for answers.

And I have returned five hours later to discover that, without so much as a word in response, my post has been removed from the forum. I am still without answers. Is it so much to ask that I might recieve a little assistance in the "small" matter of making the family mailserver I spend so much money on cease to backfire every time I try to use it?

Or have the internet police become the internet Gestapo?

Seriously, you people make me sick.

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Here's the text of the message I get from Outlook when I try to send an email. It's all the information I have left to add.

The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address was 'chance[at]macolytes.com'. Subject 'Re: Elections', Account: 'mail.macolytes.com', Server: 'mail.macolytes.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1 your server is on the SpamCop Blocking List, see http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml. For further information, see http://www.oitc.com/EIMS/DNSblError.html?D...PAMCOP.NET', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

SpamCop cannot control the bounce messages given by mail servers that are not related to SpamCop. I'd suggest contacting oitc.com oitc.com and ask them why they are bouncing your email. Explain to them that your IP isn't listed in the SCBL and that the SCBL evidence page for shows the IP isn't listed and there is no record for it ever having been listed.

You might also want to configure your email server so that its name will resolve:

· 04/26/04 07:32:32 -0600 dns mail.macolytes.com

· No data of requested type

Many admins won't accept email from mail servers whose HELOs don't resolve to an IP.

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Wow. I posted a lengthy and unnecessarily polite message here complaining that nowhere on this site is there any information in plain English regarding how I might go about being removed from the blocklist. I posted asking for answers.

And I have returned five hours later to discover that, without so much as a word in response, my post has been removed from the forum. I am still without answers. Is it so much to ask that I might recieve a little assistance in the "small" matter of making the family mailserver I spend so much money on cease to backfire every time I try to use it?

Or have the internet police become the internet Gestapo?

Seriously, you people make me sick.

Are you talking about the post on this page http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1251#

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Wow. I posted a lengthy and unnecessarily polite message here

You thought that was polite? You must be from New York.

And I have returned five hours later to discover that, without so much as a word in response, my post has been removed from the forum.

You poted a reply to an existing thread. The moderator has simply moved it, and all the replies to it, back into that thread where it belongs. Please engage brain before operating mouth.

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Never mind Robomop - 5 hours is a long time in a forum and most of its users know how to use its tools better than you. Just click on the link "My Assistant" to the right of the page when you log in, then click the "My last 10 posts" link in the dialog that responds. You can follow your previous posting links from there But *please* read all the preceding posts in this instance. Spambo has already pointed to the thread. And I think I'm not alone in wondering just where you are going to take it from here ;-)

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