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hotmail blocking spamcop.net?

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Yes hotmail is blocking the outbound mailserver due to a lot of spam sent through the server. The spam was stopped as soon as we knew about it and I have reached out to hotmail to ask for delisting. I do not know how long it will take for the IP to be removed from the blocklist.

Over two months now and still blocked!

Found this Automated site


Put in

Got a auto reply

"This mail is to confirm that the IP(s) listed below are being investigated by our automated system."

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Over two months now and still blocked!

No, the blocking ended five days ago, so what are you talking about and why did you submit the IP to their investigation system? BTW, that's not the only transmitting IP address for the CESMail system. I don't understand your "over two months now and still blocking," given that it's been posted in a couple places here that it was successfully resolved.


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No, the blocking ended five days ago, so what are you talking about and why did you submit the IP to their investigation system? BTW, that's not the only transmitting IP address for the CESMail system. I don't understand your "over two months now and still blocking," given that it's been posted in a couple places here that it was successfully resolved.


Blocking has not stopped for over 2 months now?

The Hotmail auto investigation system is for anyone to use and check IP when ones mail bounces?

Got a follow-up

(So Hotmail may be releasing and reblocking IP as it detects spam, like SpmCop it will need a spam free time period before it releases IP )

No action taken
The system found that the reported IP(s) are not eligible for automatic mitigation.

To have Deliverability Support investigate, use the following link to provide additional information and an agent will contact you via email. https://support.msn.com/default.aspx?productkey=edfsesc&mkt=en-us.

Sent this to Hotmail a minute ago (Maybe SpamCop email is still spamming?)

If you can, provide a link showing Hotmail is no longer being blocked?

Or do you want more evidence like yesterdays, a week ago, a month ago?

I only send intermitantly to a Hotmail address and have had no luck for months!

From - Sun Sep 16 10:38:48 2012
X-Account-Key: account1
X-UIDL: UID18049-1066456927
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Return-Path: <>
Delivered-To: spamcop-net-XXXXXX[at]spamcop.net
Received: (qmail 16532 invoked from network); 16 Sep 2012 00:38:33 -0000
X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.4 (2008-01-01) on filter8
X-spam-Status: hits=-1.4 tests=ALL_TRUSTED version=3.2.4
Received: from unknown (HELO c60.cesmail.net) (
  by filter8.cesmail.net with SMTP; 16 Sep 2012 00:38:33 -0000
Received: from localhost by c60.cesmail.net;
  15 Sep 2012 20:38:40 -0400
Message-Id: <avf98t$kk5ouc[at]c60.cesmail.net>
Date: 15 Sep 2012 20:38:40 -0400
To: XXXXX[at]spamcop.net
From: "Mail Delivery System" <MAILER-DAEMON[at]c60.cesmail.net>
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; boundary="fGkFB.4oSRWtAVU.M1ydN.36qGnhT"
X-SpamCop-Whitelisted: XXXXX[at]XXXXXXXX.com

content-type: text/plain

The following message to <XXXXXX[at]hotmail.com> was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (COL0-MC4-F21) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors."

content-type: message/delivery-status

Final-Recipient: rfc822;XXXXX[at]hotmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)
Remote-MTA: dns; []
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (COL0-MC4-F21) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors." (delivery attempts: 0)
Reporting-MTA: dns; c60.cesmail.net

content-type: message/rfc822

Received: from unknown (HELO smtprelay1.cesmail.net) ([])
  by c60.cesmail.net with ESMTP; 15 Sep 2012 20:38:37 -0400
Received: from unknown (HELO smtprelay1.cesmail.net) ([])
  by c60.cesmail.net with ESMTP; 15 Sep 2012 20:38:37 -0400
Received: from [] (unknown [])
	by smtprelay1.cesmail.net (Postfix) with ESMTPA id 7744634C93
	for <XXXXX[at]hotmail.com>; Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:38:43 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <50551F85.4020306[at]spamcop.net>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 10:38:29 +1000
From: Petzl <XXXXXX[at]spamcop.net>
Reply-To: XXXXXX[at]spamcop.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120907 Thunderbird/15.0.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: XXXXi <XXXXXX[at]hotmail.com>
Subject: test
X-Enigmail-Version: 1.4.4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

testing bounce

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Petzl, I think we might be talking about two different things. Most of the time, I use SC's webmail system to send--not any sort of SMTP relaying, etc. I can confidently report that EVERY test I've sent to Hotmail/MSN addresses using webmail since this particular problem was addressed by "email_support" have gotten through just fine.

Looking at the source of the bounce you posted, I see this:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120907 Thunderbird/15.0.1

It appears that you're sending from a PC, NOT using the SC webmail system. Currently, it appears that outbound messages *relayed* through SC's SMTP (which is what you're doing) are being sent out from this IP/server: (c60.cesmail.net)

However, all the mail I've been sending through the webmail system for the last few days appears to be leaving SC via this server: (c62.cesmail.net)

I just sent a test message to my Hotmail address using my phone, which relays through the CESMail smtp, and yes, it bounced:

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (SNT0-MC3-F32) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors."

However, I followed that up with a test to the same address using "webmail.spamcop.net" on a browser and it made it through just fine. So, yes, there's still a problem, but it *appears* to only affect mail sent from non-webmail methods. I'll open another support ticket--haven't you also done that?


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*relayed* through SC's SMTP (which is what you're doing) are being sent out from this IP/server: (c60.cesmail.net)

However, all the mail I've been sending through the webmail system for the last few days appears to be leaving SC via this server: (c62.cesmail.net)


Before the first bounce the SMTP server was "full" and bounced

I then went through the Webmail server which was using the same IP only to find it blocked by Hotmail and is still blocked? I don't like Webmail and only use it to set-up options

I just now tested Webmail myself and found it is not now blocked an IP (c62.cesmail.net) has been added. Wasn't there before? But yes Webmail is using that IP

SMTP, (c60.cesmail.net) is still blocked by Hotmail.

Why I don't know, I can only surmise that Hotmail maybe still getting spam from it?

Hotmails Auto gazo won't release it, which would check for last spam (probably spamtrap)?

You mentioned though AOL is now blocking

which means SpamCop email has a compromised account (doubt if spammers pay although not impossible)

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Before the first bounce the SMTP server was "full" and bounced

That was an entirely different issue...let's try not to confuse things.

You mentioned though AOL is now blocking

No, that was earlier...that has apparently been resolved (I posted about that in the AOL topic a little while ago).

AFAICT, neither sending method (SMTP or webmail) are currently blocked by AOL, and just the SMTP method by Hotmail....for now.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: CESMail customers are STILL not able to send email to Hotmail/MSN addresses using CESMail SMTP, which many of us do on our mobile devices, and some do on their computers (but they should really consider switching to their ISP's SMTP instead, IMO). The lack of continued interest/traffic here leads me to speculate that there aren't many CESMail customers left...


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Update: CESMail customers are STILL not able to send email to Hotmail/MSN addresses using CESMail SMTP, which many of us do on our mobile devices, and some do on their computers (but they should really consider switching to their ISP's SMTP instead, IMO). The lack of continued interest/traffic here leads me to speculate that there aren't many CESMail customers left...


I use CESMail SMTP exclusively on my computers (all laptops) because the network they are on changes often, as already stated. I just do not know anyone still using hotmail, msn, or AOL, so have not had any issues.

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Update: CESMail customers are STILL not able to send email to Hotmail/MSN addresses using CESMail SMTP, which many of us do on our mobile devices, and some do on their computers (but they should really consider switching to their ISP's SMTP instead, IMO). The lack of continued interest/traffic here leads me to speculate that there aren't many CESMail customers left...


Yet Sender Score have the highest rating I've seen for a server (


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.... I just do not know anyone still using hotmail, msn, or AOL, so have not had any issues.
Well unfortunately there are still a lot of users out there that continue to use these services as their primary email address. In my case 2 of the 5 members of our homeowners association are using hotmail address. It makes it very difficult to work around it especially with my android phone. I am getting very closes to closing my spamcop account as Earthlink's filtering has improved greatly, so much so that the vast majority of my spam comes from my spamcop address that I never give out to anyone.

The only advantages left for me are:

1) the "nearly unlimited" storage space you get with no additional cost

2) the fact that using the SMPT service there is no limit to the size of the files that can be sent, but on the other hand, the majority of users do have limits on the file size that they can receive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

November and still sending to hotmail addresses is rejected. Is it not reasonable for those of us who pay for this service to have an explanation as why this situation persists?

Surely, the Spamcop FAQs have always said that, if you are having your mail blocked then don't blame Spamcop - talk to your sending ISP, as it is their problem. Are Spamcop users really subscribing to a spammy email service ... ?

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Arghhhhh! NOV 2, 2012. Mail getting bounced back from HOTMAIL.com (aka HellMail). Is there/their/they're nothing we can do about this?

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (BAY0-MC4-F34) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com


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Arghhhhh! NOV 2, 2012. Mail getting bounced back from HOTMAIL.com (aka HellMail). Is there/their/they're nothing we can do about this?


did you report it to the email support people, either using http://mail.spamcop.net/contact.php or the Problem button in Webmail?

I will do something that MIGHT help you, however, especially if EVERYONE reading this does the same--

I am about to CHANGE my Spamcop / cesmail.net PASSWORD. :ph34r:

That way if it's MY account the spammers are using to send the messages, that should cut them off.

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I am about to CHANGE my Spamcop / cesmail.net PASSWORD. :ph34r:

That way if it's MY account the spammers are using to send the messages, that should cut them off.

Webmail uses a different server which is not blocked

The problem is with those of us who use their own email client it is SC email's SMTP that is sending spam

SC email are blaming phishing attempts as being successful.

Yes change your password

Also do a complete security scan as Trojans are now common turning computers into Zombies where access to your address book and email client are common. (For Windows Users)

Microsoft Security Essentials is adequate for virus does not to me seem effective with Spyware. Pays to also use a dedicated Spyware program. None it seems are now free. Try "Spybot Search & Destroy" or "eXterminateit" which are dedicated malware detection and elimination programs.

Not that familiar with protection for Mac's, Linux, etc but they too need to be aware in security

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  • 4 weeks later...


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