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[Resolved] New spammer technique not being detected by SpamCop


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I've been getting emails lately using this technique below and SpamCop does NOT detect this method.


The link is clickable the the browser converts those unicode type characters to dots.

When I report the link I convert that 。 character to a . and SpamCop picks up the link.

Here is what I can find what this is.

 	Unicode character	Oct	Dec	Hex	HTML
。	ideographic full stop	030002	12290	0x3002	。

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>- When I report the link I convert that 。 character to a . and SpamCop picks up the link.

Please do NOT alter the link before you report the spam. That is a huge taboo with us.

Also... Neither Firefox nor Chrome on my system will go to that link the way it is.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -


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Hi, Reeb,

...I fear you have mistaken SpamCop for a product whose purpose is to find spamvertized links. That isn't its main focus. Please see SpamCop FAQ (links to which appear near the top left of each SpamCop Forum page) article labeled "SpamCop reporting of spamvertized sites - some philosophy." For products whose main (or, at least, one main purpose) is to report spamvertized links, please see information about

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