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When SpamCop cannot find spammer


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Didn't know where to ask this . . . but it seems concerning, and I'd like to know.

Is there a way to show Spamcop the actual spammer when the sutomated Spamcop cannot find it?

Just because the owner of the offending server doesn't accept complaints, don't you think the higher-up provider should be alerted . . . particularly when it's drive-by malware or serious phishing?

As shown here

[edit: image converted - post no images thanks - you can use a tracking URL to safely and conveniently discuss future spam and associated parser responses]

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Didn't know where to ask this . . . but it seems concerning, and I'd like to know.

Is there a way to show Spamcop the actual spammer when the sutomated Spamcop cannot find it?

Just because the owner of the offending server doesn't accept complaints, don't you think the higher-up provider should be alerted . . . particularly when it's drive-by malware or serious phishing?

As shown here

I'm not sure what options (if any) are viable for "helping" spamcop when it can't find a suitahle reporting address.

Having said that, don't panic! If Spamcop receives sufficient reports from different people to trigger a lising, then that's a good start towards helping others slow the flow of the spam.

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What you are describing is often called "finding the upstream provider." In this case, SpamCop did in fact find the upstream (direct-allocation) provider at Hostnoc (I checked: http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-64-120-128-0-1/pft). This is a direct allocation from ARIN, meaning that the buck stops at Hostnoc (no higher upstream).

I see that SpamCop refuses to use this abuse contact for some unspecified reason. If I were you I would probably take that as a big fat hint that a report would do no good (and might even do evil). Otherwise, you are certainly free to contact them using your own resources.

By the way, it may be missing the mark a bit to describe the operator of this address as "the actual spammer." There are lots of cooks tending this broth in one capacity or another.

-- rick

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