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Did I report myself as a spammer?


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Long story short. Bought a wordpress plugin. Shortly thereafter started getting several emails a day. Unsubscribed. No results. Tracked sender. Left message on his business phone. No results, even more emails though. Sent a couple of polite emails to alternate contact info I found on linked in. No results except seem to be getting more emails from people using similar tactics. Signed on to spam cop. submitted report. Received email back with user targeted report link. This resulted in arrival here: Thank you for responding to this spam report. This is a report regarding ###.###. ###. It was sent to you because you have been identified as "User defined recipient".

I'm confused. That looks like I'm the guilty party. Did I submit incorrectly? I just opened message viewing raw source, copied all of it and pasted it into the spam cop form and hit send.

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Hi, john,

...Since I haven't seen this before I am not certain but it appears that you or wordpress may have included your own e-mail address in either the "User Notification" field or in Preferences | "Report Handling Options" | "Public standard report recipients" or you set Preferences | "Report Handling Options" | "Personal copies of outgoing reports." From whom did the e-mail that said "Thank you for responding..." come?

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Hi Don,

I've sent you an email with a subject line linked to this thread. Please send my spamcop's donation link.


If you will EMAIL me your login username (email address), I will be happy to look into this for you. Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net


- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -

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