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[Resolved] Reporting from multiple addresses and domains


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Currently I use Habul (1.14.0) with Thunderbird (17.0.5) to report spam.

I do this for one gmail account and one with the ISP who hosts my domain.

I had previously set up a SpamCop account for each email address, because that's how I thought it had to be done. Originally, I was using a more "manual" method of reporting, and am happy that Habul came along.

Q#1: Do I need two SpamCop accounts when the two email addresses are with different domains? Or is it possible to connect, or "merge," the two addresses to be in the same SpamCop account?

I have since opened a 2nd gmail account.

Q#2: What's considered the best way to report spam to this new address? Do I need a 3rd SpamCop account?

(I did search for answers...either didn't find the right place, or wasn't understanding the explainations.)

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You only need one SpamCop reporting account to report all of your spam. Please don't create more than one SpamCop account.

SpamCop doesn't care where you get your spam, and SpamCop doesn't care where you send it to us from.

If you have registered your email providers with our Mailhosts system, make sure you have registered *ALL* of them.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -


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Thank you for your reply.

There already are 2 accounts, both created long ago. Should I delete one of them? If so, how/where?--can it be done by logging in to one and requesting it be deleted?

I don't recall doing anything around registering my email providers with the Mailhosts system. Is there some way I can check if I've done that when I registered for a SpamCop reporting account? Is it necessary to do in order to use the Habul reporting add-on?

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>- There already are 2 accounts

You can't delete an account, but I can. If you will EMAIL me the login username (email address) of the account you don't use, I will handle the termination for you. Service[at]SpamCop.net

Here is the boilerplate on Mailhosts. It should help.

I'm just asking you to log into your account here, use the Mailhosts tab at the top of the page, read all the junk and then answer yes to the "Do you understand" question, and then give your email address(es) to the form, one at a time.

SpamCop is only interested in the hosts or services that provide you an email address. SpamCop doesn't care about the addresses themselves, just the hosts. You only need to register one email address per host. You need to register *ALL* of the services that provide you with an email address.

That would include any webmail hosts, such as Yahoo, HotMail, or gMail, and forwarding services like Bigfoot or Sneakemail, and any other services that provide you an email address, such as alumni associations or professional associations.

Registering your email providers is pretty much the same as reporting spam, which you have been doing successfully, except that you return our test emails to a different address, or copy/paste them into a different form. The instructions are contained in every test email we send.

I will be happy to help if you run into trouble.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -


You don't need to register Mailhosts in order to use Habul.

I don't know what Habul is.

A good way to report spam is to use the Thunderbird "Forward as Attachment" function.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- Service[at]Admin.SpamCop.net -


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