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My IP was in spam Report


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In my days spam reporting today I noticed that for one spam, my provider here in Thailand is listed. Then I see that the reporting IP address was the same as mine.

I won't pretend I know diddly about any of this so I thought I should ask, is this something I should be worried about?


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Hi, emanmb,

...One possibility is that you're actually being spammed by a fellow subscriber of your e-mail provider. Another is that you've run afoul of the situation described in SpamCop FAQ (links to which appear near the top left of each SpamCop Forum page) item labeled "Why does SpamCop want to send a report to my own network administrator?" and SpamCop Wiki (aka SPAMCOPWIKI and SCWiki, to which links appear near the top center of each SpamCop Forum page) entries "SelfReporting" and "MailHostConfiguration."

...Good luck in tracking down this issue.

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...One possibility is that you're actually being spammed by a fellow subscriber of your e-mail provider.

Definate possibility.

That's what happened to me when I went on Shaw as an ISP .... my ISP assigned Email address is useless because there's several hundred using the same SMTP output IP for my area :(

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