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SmartFilter thinks Spamcop Webmail is "chat"

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This may not be fixable, but when I try to access my webmail at work, I get denied because it reports back to the SmartFilter as "chat".

Other folks using different webmail programs aren't experiencing the problem, so I am curious if this is something that can be addressed??? I am going to talk with our sysadmins at work, but I can already guess what they will say...."talk to your webmail provider".

Thanks....what follows is the page that is returned:

Problem Report

Access denied to the system by SmartFilter, while attempting to retrieve the URL.

Message ID


Problem Description

Your system was configured to deny access to this URL.

Problem Cause

The request was denied, as specified in the SmartFilter Content Filter configuration. The content category reported is chat.

Possible Solution

Contact your network support team if this problem persists, and provide the team your account information.

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Normally, the sites would need to added on your administrators end (or if the software is on your machine directly, your machine). An alternative sometimes is to submit a site for review to the filter company. I know St.Bernard's iPrism software works that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I talked with our sysadmins and they are specifically blocking webmail (I guess they think we aren't working hard enough).

Strangely enough, mail at msn works fine....I think because it doesn't have "webmail" in the URL.

Wonder if there is anyway to give an alternate name to webmail to test???

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talked with our sysadmins and they are specifically blocking webmail

You will find many companies are starting to enforce this. We do it because it is far too easy to send out proprietary company information with no tracking through the use of webmail. Anything leaving our company is monitored.

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