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Continues spam notifications - False positive


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My company sends out notifications which contains links back to our home page. The report is showing the link as a spamvertised web site. To receive this email you must opt in, we also include a opt out feature.

Here is the Case #: 00898792.

How can we stop this from happening?

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My company sends out notifications which contains links back to our home page. The report is showing the link as a spamvertised web site. To receive this email you must opt in, we also include a opt out feature.

Here is the Case #: 00898792.

How can we stop this from happening?

Report History:

Cannot find spam for reportid=898792

Sorry, we will need a LOT more information to be able to help. The IP of the sending server, for example.

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Hi, sbrum,

...Are you saying that your Home Page is being reported as a spamvertized link but the e-mail itself is not being reported as spam? Although possible, it seems unlikely that would happen from SpamCop.

...Reports of spamvertizing are FYI only. A spammer can include your home page in their spam without your having any control over it. If that's what is happening, the spamvertizing "complaints" can be ignored unless you have some relationship with the spammer and can stop her/ him.

...FYI, the SpamCop FAQ (links to which appear near the top left of each SpamCop Forum page) article entitled "Am I running mailing lists responsibly? Updated!" may be of help in identifying steps you can take to reduce the chances that your e-mail will be reported as spam (except by mistake, in which case the SpamCop users who report you will owe you an apology -- see SpamCop FAQ articles labeled "I have been falsely and/or maliciously accused of spamming, what can I do?" "How can I unsend a Report?" and "What if I break the rule(s)?").

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Here is the contents of the email.

I sent the Case # because I thought that was your Case #. I am not the person who has been dealing with the alerts. I was asked to follow up with Spamcop and determine why this keeps happening.


Case #: 00898792

Status: Resolved

Priority Level: P3- General Technical

Subject: [spamCop (http://www.allcovered.com/managed-it-services/server-backup) id:6028470732]Finally, a backup to your backup


[ SpamCop V4.8.1.007 ]

This message is brief for your comfort. Please use links below for details.

Spamvertised web site: http://www.allcovered.com/managed-it-services


http://www.allcovered.com/managed-it-services is; Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:47:28 GMT

Spamvertised web site: http://www.allcovered.com/managed-it-services/server-backup


http://www.allcovered.com/managed-it-services/server-backup is; Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:47:28 GMT

[ Offending message ]


[ ref:00D8dNbx.500CUfuqC:ref ]

(tracking URL substituted for "Offending message" text - use "View entire message" link in that tracker to see that text)

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My company sends out notifications which contains links back to our home page. The report is showing the link as a spamvertised web site. To receive this email you must opt in, we also include a opt out feature. ...

See http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/96.html

If you believe the reporter has forgotten that they opted in you can contact that reporter to remind them (just "Reply" to the original SpamCop report). If they have not previously confirmed that "opt in" then of course they have NOT opted in - see Steve T's response86539[/snapback]. You will also appreciate that not many reporters are going to use an "opt out" feature if they never opted in (we don't generally recommend it) and (proper) opt in requires that they will have received and responded to (confirmed) an e-mail advice that they appear to have opted in. You may be "walking on egg shells" here (your contact could be deemed abusive) if you do not satisfy yourself before-hand that the appropriate confirmation e-mails have been logged - you don't get to know the identity of the specific reporters so you are trusting in its entirety a system that (apparently) some/many people distrust.

If you did not personally receive the original SpamCop report you can still contact the reporter using the coded [at]reports.spamcop.net address it came from - the code part (numeric report ID) can be retrieved from the tracking URL in a pinch (but use just one code if several are provided) - and the tracking URL can be retrieved from the response links you posted (via a link provided in those pages).

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Here is the contents of the email.

I sent the Case # because I thought that was your Case #. I am not the person who has been dealing with the alerts. I was asked to follow up with Spamcop and determine why this keeps happening.

First note that this is a peer-to-peer forum, users helping users, though occasionally one of the paid employees contributes.

Using the information you have now provided it appears that you are sending out marketing emails from a server in Mateo CA with the IP That server is currently on the SCBL and has been listed on and off for a couple of weeks now. If this is your email server then you have problems because that server HAS SENT MAIL TO SPAMTRAPS recently. Spamtrap addresses have never been used to send mail and therefore can never have 'opted in'. This would suggest that you are not using confirmed (double) opt-in.

Remember that spam is defined not by content but by consent and unless you are using best practice then your messages may rightly be considered spam.

If I'm wrong and it is not your server and you are just having your URL in mail for which you are not responsible then please forgive me, I really am trying to help here. If I am right then you need to 'clean up your act' as regards opt-in.

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