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Cannot connect to imap server: Connection refused


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Cannot connect to imap server: Connection refused

i get this message when i log in and check my held email. when i try to login to webmail.spamcop.net i get a "can't establish a connection to the server at webmail.spamcop.net." message. i'm able to report spam as usual from www.spamcop.net.

it has been that way all day, as far as i can tell...

is there something known wrong? :blink:

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is there something known wrong? blink:

Yes, you're in the wrong forum. :-)

You need to go to the "SpamCop Email System & Accounts" forum, not the Reporting Help forum:


There, you'll find several threads about the current 24+ hour outage, including one with almost 100 messages from angry SC Email customers.


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Yes, you're in the wrong forum. :-)

You need to go to the "SpamCop Email System & Accounts" forum, not the Reporting Help forum:

if i can log in, but i can't get to the held email, i can't report it. it has nothing to do with my account, because of the fact that i can log in...


There, you'll find several threads about the current 24+ hour outage, including one with almost 100 messages from angry SC Email customers.

that was all i needed to know. thanks.

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