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Spamvertised web site report


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Hello all, my business recently has been the target of unsolicited email spam from a source which i managed to pin point.

i have sent a mail to the general abuse[at] account but the spam continues to roll in.

I have received the Spamcop warning email and signup in order to find out how i can prevent this person from sending anymore spam emails.

A link, some advise or any other information would be greatly appreciated.

*mods - i am sorry if this is the incorrect section, if it is please point me in the right direction.

Looking forward to some feedback.


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how i can prevent this person from sending anymore spam emails.


...Unfortunately, you can't but your e-mail provider can filter what e-mails you see in your Inbox(es). Blacklists and/ or e-mail internet header filtering are two alternatives that can be used to accomplish this. You will likely wish your e-mail provider to provide your e-mail user account(s) with access to the e-mails that are so blacklisted, however, in case of "false positives."
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