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How do I get support for my email forwarding account?

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I'm PM'd email_support and have heard nothing so...

How do I get support for my mail forwarding account please?

Someone who also has a spamcop.net address appears to have set their email to forward to my spamcop email address, so I'm in the curious position of being spammed, by spamcop - I don't know how to contact the guy in question so I need someone at Spamcop to remove the forward ideally.

How do I get some help with this please?

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&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The folks who reviewed "email_support" -- CES -- are probably gone. You might send an e-mail to the SpamCop Deputies at deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net but those folks are probably working frantically to try to address all the fallout of the demise of the CES-provided "SpamCop" e-mail service and the hosting of this Forum and may therefore be unable to provide help to individual users for some time.

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Someone who also has a spamcop.net address appears to have set their email to forward to my spamcop email address, so I'm in the curious position of being spammed, by spamcop - I don't know how to contact the guy in question so I need someone at Spamcop to remove the forward ideally.

Regarding "appears to have..." here's a way to confirm. I just sent myself a test message, and one of the received headers is:

Received: from nm49.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com (nm49.bullet.mail.ne1.yahoo.com [])

(using TLSv1 with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits))

(No client certificate requested)

by vmx5.spamcop.net (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 71C37ED16D

for <[removed][at]spamcop.net>; Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:14:15 -0700 (PDT)

My spamcop address was right in front of the date before I replaced it with [removed]. This forum seems to be replacing the "at" sign with [at] too... but point being, if you find that header in one of the emails that appear to belong to someone else, then you will know for sure if someone else's spamcop email is getting forwarded to you.

Also, that header line would likely be helpful if you manage to reach someone who can fix this somehow.

If it appears to be legitimate mail (i.e. not spam), would it make sense to contact the sender and perhaps they can contact their intended recipient and let them know? This assumes someone isn't intentionally dumping their SC email on you. That would be strange.

If it appears to be spam, perhaps a spammer is doing to spamcop what I've seen happen on other email services: spam shows up, but my email address isn't on the to or cc lines. I'm not sure if that would ever make it through SpamCop's email filter, but I don't have enough information to rule it out either ... they haven't told us a lot about the new spam filters.

If it's not being forwarded through another spamcop account besides yours, it would certainly seem like reportable spam, of course being careful not to report any of your own providers. Now if it's really being forwarded from another SC account, I'm not sure one person can report someone else's spam.

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Someone who also has a spamcop.net address appears to have set their email to forward to my spamcop email address,

As anyone8 wrote, please examine the headers, specifically looking for the Received line involving the receipt of the message by vmx5.spamcop.net and let us know whose "[at]spamcop.net" (or [at]cesmail.net) address appears there.


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Already checked the headers and the vmx5 shows an [at]spamcop.net user - I don't really want to list their name on here but the question still stands of how the heck do I get this removed please since I'm getting all his coffee receipts and Geek Squad sh**..

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