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"Interested Third Party" question


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I use a mailbox-forwarding service at acm.org for my primary email. They used to filter spam with Postini, but switched to Mailroute about a year ago. Mailroute spam filtering is a great improvement over Postini, catching over 95% of spam with very few false positives.

When the occasional spam makes it through I submit it to SpamCop. Starting immediately after the switch to Mailroute I noticed my SpamCop reports included an "Interested third party" recipient, which I assumed was someone at Mailroute.

Recently (about a month ago), this "interested third party" email disappeared from my reports, and since then Mailroute's spam filtering has gotten less effective, letting through really obvious spam.

Some questions:

  1. Does SpamCop have (or did they have) a direct line to Mailroute to submit spam for analysis and tracking?
  2. Was the "Interested third party" (tj at terramar.net) a Mailroute spam tracking address?
  3. What changed at SpamCop such that this third party is no longer receiving spam reports?


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Hi, jhg,


2. Was the "Interested third party" (tj at terramar.net) a Mailroute spam tracking address?

3. What changed at SpamCop such that this third party is no longer receiving spam reports?

2. It does seem that there's a relationship between Mailroute and terramar: see Robtex entry for Mailroute.net.

3. Please explain why you believe there to have been a change in SpamCop. I would suspect that the change was on the Mailroute end rather than on the SC end.

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I don't know if it was SC or mailroute that changed.

I guess the real question is why that address was an "interested third party" to begin with. How did terramar get "interested third party" status for spam arriving via mailroute?

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I don't know if it was SC or mailroute that changed.

I guess the real question is why that address was an "interested third party" to begin with. How did terramar get "interested third party" status for spam arriving via mailroute?

If a email administrator wants reports on their IP's (even if not injection point (source) they can get one

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