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never ending story-spam


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Hi after 2 weeks fight with spam .I noticed this story will never stop.In Gmail was 400 email is now 0 .It is nice .But with Polish website I receive day 30 spam email .I can see this 3 server send my spam


There are some option stop this server .They still send my spam.

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Yes spam is a never ending story. By one count I have reported spam from over 18.6K different domains or 361.5K spam. By an other count 1.1M spam. Reports to different services over different periods of time.

If you look at the spam/report history charts you will notice that overall the trend is up.

ovh.net ~~ seems you and everyone else is getting spam from them, according to Spamhous

verizon.net ~~ So large, and doesn't seem to care that I can tell, every "casual" spammer can get spam through for a while.

godaddy ~~ For financial reasons godaddy has no inclination to do anything about the spam that comes from their servers or domains they have registered. According to my reporting to KnujOn (no junk spelled backwards) GODADDY and GODADDY.com are #2 and #4 as the Registrars of domains that spew spam.

Now that your email address(es) are on spammers list from these sources, I don't think you will a change in the amount spam from them, until they buy a new CD of new email addresses. However, reporting spam to SpamCop does feed their BL which is used by LOTS of servers to block or redirect spam so it does not go directly into their clients inbox. Unless you/your ISP uses the BL you will most likely not see a direct result of your reporting efforts. By reporting you do collect lots of good karma!

PS. As dumb as it sounds there have been over 1,250 spammers reported/banned from this forum. But no one ever said spammers were smarter than a rock.

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Yes spam is a never ending story.

Actually, after 18 years of fighting spam, I have noticed that after a period of time the spammers will actually give up. I keep thinking there is hope that i might get more spam to report, but the wait for unsolicited spam can be horrendous. Last week, I only had three spam messages all week, but this yesterday I got four in one day. Maybe the spam will pick up and start coming in again. Too bad I have to wait as it has to be unsolicited.

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As I stated I don't think anything will cause ovh.net to stop sending spam.

Sending examples to Spamhouse would support their BL of course. My understanding of spam[at]uce.gov is that it is a big data base used to support studies and any pending cases, not to generate any action.

You do realize that ovh.net is not the same as ovh.ca?? Quoting from abuse.ovh.ca:

Please make sure a 'whois' on the IP shows OVH Hosting Inc. as the subnet owner.
OVH SAS is a different company, in a different country, under different law/regulations to which complaints must be sent to abuse[at]ovh.net.
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As I stated I don't think anything will cause ovh.net to stop sending spam.

Sending examples to Spamhouse would support their BL of course. My understanding of spam[at]uce.gov is that it is a big data base used to support studies and any pending cases, not to generate any action.

You do realize that ovh.net is not the same as ovh.ca?? Quoting from abuse.ovh.ca:

I made my own blocklist for stuff like ovh.net. For a while I used the bl.spamcop.net, but by blocking every host that was a *.ovh.net worked for me. Of course, you would need to decide if you might have valid users from there. I will never expect email from there and therefore, this worked for me. Of course, it looks like they finally gave up on sending to me in January 2014.

One thing to keep in mind when you start using a block list you are at the mercy of other folks where you might risk blocking legitimate email. I have been turning off the blocklists on my server because both spam is down for me and also there was one legitimate message that was blocked. One option might be something like SpamAssassin where a blocklisting can count as negative points.

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       That is the address to which the US FTC requests us to "[f]orward unwanted or deceptive messages." There is more information about it at the FTC web site.

One thing I've noticed however is that Yahoo sometimes chokes with that email address, and sometimes reports "No A or MX records" for the domain uce.gov. Although it's a nuisance, it's easy enough to (re)send reports via another provider.

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Yesterday were 30 email spam in my Polish account but today 60 he he.30 min my job almost 1000 click in my mouse .copy ,past.

But for my understanding.If I have my own email Server .And spammer people spamming use my server .How long I will be in black list .how long spam should fly from my server until someone block my server .1 week,1 month ,1 year.

But how long have to last spamming from bottom server if someone will be stopped it."""18 years of fighting spam""


But if Google Gmail stopped receive email from this over server.They do something to restrict his spamming rules .

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But for my understanding.If I have my own email Server .And spammer people spamming use my server .How long I will be in black list .how long spam should fly from my server until someone block my server .1 week,1 month ,1 year.

IF spammers are using your server, this is a different problem that you can not solve by reporting spam. YOU must fix your server so the spammer does not have access nor can send spam. How long it takes for an infected server/IP to get blocked depends on several things. If spam is sent to a spam trap, your IP will be blocked by SpamCop almost immediately. If the spam is sent to ISP/ users that do not report spam (just drop it on the floor) you IP will never be blocked.

You must remember unless the ISP/server of the spammer takes action to remove a spammer from their system, the spam goes out onto the internet. Blocking List/Black list only stop spam at the receiving end. Only if your ISP uses a Block List, from SpamCop or Spamhause or a tool like SpamAssan will some spam not make it to your inbox.

So no matter how many people report spam from ovh.net or godaddy.com, for example, spam will still come from those sources until their ISP takes action to stop it. Consider the numbers. For example if ovh.net sends out 1,000,000 spam a day (11 spam/second)(SpamCop sent 769,515 reports in the last 24 hours) and 900K of the get blocked. There are still 100,000 spam in someone's inbox. IF 90% of those are deleted without being read there are still 10,000 of those spam read by someone. If only 1% of those (100) people are dumb enough to order drugs/porn/sunglasses/... At just $10.00/sucker, that is at lest $1,000 earned for the day. Not bad for just running a emailing program. That is why there is so much spam on the internet AND why it is so hard to stop. That spammer making $1,000/day can afford to pay his ISP half of that, $500, to not shut them down. So the spammer makes $15,000/month. The ISP makes $15,000/month for not killing their cash cow and the spam continues. Now if the ISP is willing to host several spammers they can afford to have a sizable farm of servers to support the spammers. The ISP can afford to buy up lots of IP blocks so they can switch IPs around using others when some get blocked. Thus providing "better" service to their clients, the spammers.

Yes, it takes you more effort (1,000 clicks) to report the spam than it takes them to send it.

Yes, if spam is coming from your server it may go on for ever before enough reports are make to get you IP on a blocking list. And even then your server can continue to send spam that will only be blocked by some ISPs.

Yes the sources you mentioned will/can continue to spread their spam for years to come, as long as they can pay some ISP to look the other way while they flood the internet with their trash.

Yes Gmail does respond to the complaints of their customers and block (drop on the floor) email coming from some known spam sources.

No Gmail does not do anything to restrict the sending of spam. Gmail does restrict the receiving of spam. There is a difference..

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SpamCop sent 769,515 reports in the last 24 hours.

Sorry but I still don't understand this ideology.it means Spamcop report for owner for example ( ovh.net) of service message.

Please check your email account and block spammer because he,she use yours server spamming other people in the world.

Day of " IT worker" .In the morning

small cup of coffee of the start my shift

Open account where is abuse[at]ovh.net

Then oh my god we have a lot of reporting spam from SpamCop guys today .But we did not fix yesterday reports .

Listen I have bad day today I do nothing.

WHAT IS IDEOLOGY to send and reminding please maintain your server clean .If they don't care about it .

WHY you and Law not stop"""address IP"" all server immediately.If it sends spam .

What is future for SpamCop .Still sending Reports and wait .What new !!!!!

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WHY you and Law not stop"""address IP"" all server immediately.If it sends spam .

Because Spamcop doesn't own the internet?

And government control is a mixed bag. Do you really want some government agency deciding which email is ok and which is not?

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WHAT IS IDEOLOGY to send and reminding please maintain your server clean .If they don't care about it .

For the spammer it is all about money. For them maintaining a "clean" server is not an objective, making money is. What is the ideology of any person that breaks the law or does other anti-social acts?

WHY you and Law not stop"""address IP"" all server immediately.If it sends spam .

Just to be clear, I am not SpamCop. I am just another user of SpamCop's reporting service. I am also just a volunteer on this forum trying to help other users with questions about using SpamCop's reporting service. That said, if by "you" you mean SpamCop then SpamCop has NO authority to stop anybody from doing anything. SpamCop is a function owned by Cisco "just" a company.

As for why the law does not stop an IP address from sending spam, is another question entirely. Depending on which country you are in, the laws concerning spam are different and what the "law" can do is different.

It is a matter of opinion what should/could be done about spam. I for one do not want anyone to have the authority to decide what is allowed on the internet/email or what I receive. However, if someone is breaking the law, selling fake drugs, exploiting woman/children, or any other illegal act, then FOR THAT they should be crushed like a bug. With them isolated from civil society for breaking the law, the spam they use to advertise/promote their illegal operation will stop.

We must keep in mind that "your spam" may be someone else's legitimate promotion of their business or opinion, and there is not an authority of this earth that I want to give permission to control/limit what I have access to on the internet or receive in my email.

What is future for SpamCop .Still sending Reports and wait .What new !!!!!

SpamCop takes two actions:

  • In a mood of optimism SpamCop sends spam reports to the source of the spam, assuming that the ISP wants to maintain a good reputation and will act in the best interest of the internet community as a whole and stop their client from sending spam.
  • Being pragmatic, SpamCop maintains a Block List and makes that list of spam sources available so that others can prevent the spam from getting to their inbox.
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WHAT IS IDEOLOGY to send and reminding please maintain your server clean .If they don't care about it .

WHY you and Law not stop"""address IP"" all server immediately.If it sends spam .

What is future for SpamCop .Still sending Reports and wait .What new !!!!!

Let me get this straight, are you meaning you want SpamCop to login to your firewall and update its rules for you? SpamCop works where it can. SpamCop does exactly the same as what you can to ovh.net. Personally, I am not giving my firewall login to any third party to update the rules for me. I work that on my own. What you can do, if you are not your own email administrator is to petition that email administrator to think about using some sort of block list. The SpamCop block list (https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/291.html) is perfect for what you need. Also see https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml for more information.

SpamCop has been around since at least 1997 and will be around for many more years. SpamCop provides an excellent service of what it can to us users. This service is helpful as it munges your email address in messages that could be sent to the spammers. That usually makes it harder for the spammers to find out who you are and to put them on the block list. It they do not cease sending spam, they will stay on the block list longer. Of course, there are abuse factors build in, that cannot allow us to abuse the black list. There is usually enough spam that comes from them to keep them listed on the black list. If you can use that, you will see your spam amount drop quite a bit.

I am guessing that you replied to the spammer and tried to tell them "stop sending". What the spammer actually hears when you do that is "please send more spam and here is my email address that you can use to send it to".

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HI no I do not need any rules for my firewall .I'm a computer user .

I am guessing that you replied to the spammer and tried to tell them "stop sending

I could do that give more job spamcop.net But for my is important have a clear account .

But the point is how to fight with


They are the most server which sending my spam .I send them request about spamming my account but they ignore me .!

I heard about spamhaus.org 2 or 3 years ago then they stopped some server .And they want that angry and DDoS spamhaus.

It was good decision .

I can imagine how it works .Some bisnesmen have account in verizon.net and try to works sending email .But he see his email is back to his account .What is going on .And ask owner of verizon why I can't send email .They looking and see spamcop set his address IP in Black list .What admin and owner do immediately call to spamcop .What are you doing.You are stop my server .

The answer is easy .Please maintain and clears your server from spammer and collaborate with spamcop .That all .

It they will lose money they will start think !!!!!

You can see IN Gmail I had 400 email spam now I have only 2 .They care about his money.

My polish email server provider don't know you at all .I ask them .

Spamcop should change .I'm not IT worker but I can see .

SpamCop has been around since at least 1997 and will be around for many more years

It past now 18 years .What change .What in the future .Something should change .

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It past now 18 years .What change .What in the future .Something should change .

Legislation should give the right for one to ban a provider from contacting your email address EVER

With appropriate fines and jail terms for the owner of ISP's that do!

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139 emails spam only from 3 days .There are someone who has much bigger daily spam record .

Please Look on the screenshot .I should chose (1 click of mouse --1 sek my job ) and delete spam or I should chose (1,500 click of my mouse and update ,reports to Spamcom about 60 min my job )

Why I ask and show it .Because I want to tell how is for user difficult fight with daily spam .

My individually request to owner of server do nothing ,nothing.


#####3 days Spamming website #######################################




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Legislation should give the right for one to ban a provider from contacting your email address


&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp A law you might come to regret if a spammer effectively (at least, effectively enough to fool the authorities) spoofs your ISP as the perpetrator, resulting in your being hit with the fines and jail terms.
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       A law you might come to regret if a spammer effectively (at least, effectively enough to fool the authorities) spoofs your ISP as the perpetrator, resulting in your being hit with the fines and jail terms.

Can't get simpler for a ISP to "blacklist" "do-not contact" email address's sent from or through their servers!

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But what about time .If I reported spam in SpamCp immediately after I receive spam on my account .How fast owner and admin will stop spammers account it that website .

How Spammer know that a lot of language to set spamming account to sending spam .If one is Italian second is Israel .Jew use different language it isn't English .

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But what about time .If I reported spam in SpamCp immediately after I receive spam on my account .How fast owner and admin will stop spammers account it that website.

&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The sooner you report the spam, the sooner the admins will be able to start work to stop the spammer if they want to do that.


second is Israel .Jew use different language it isn't English .

&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The national language of the state of Israel is Hebrew. Almost all Israelis, not just Jewish Israelis, use it (at least those who live within the original borders of Israel). Many non-Israeli Jews know at least a few words of Hebrew but only a very tiny number of non-Israelis can converse or write whole sentences in Hebrew. A fairly large number of Israelis, especially those who use the internet, know and use English.
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Can't get simpler for a ISP to "blacklist" "do-not contact" email address's sent from or through their servers!

But enforcing that means giving the government control of internet content. Once that happens, you'll lose the freedom to view and post information unless a third party approves of it.

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... How fast owner and admin will stop spammers account it that website .


Unfortunately not all of them are going to take action. Some of those that might take action, you can encourage and help. All illegal 'botnet' spam steals network resources by hijacking computer/servers within the network. Many networks will want to regain control of their resources. Those you can help and make sure they appreciate your reports.

When you submit spam and see in the parse lines like

Message is 'x' hours old

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx listed in cbl.abuseat.org ( 1 )

you can add to the notes to the abuse desk something like "Participating in botnet - check IP address in cbl.abuseat.org".

cbl.abuseat.org often identifies the malware that has hijacked the server and often provides detailed information on how to find and remove that malware. SpanCop's detailed report also helps by providing the time-stamps for when the abuse occurred. With both, any administrator who really wants to get rid of those parasites has just about all of the information needed.

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I can see almost all message has it .Spamcop can set this message in submit form.It take time to paste this message .

Spammer caught 2015 but people who fight with spammer not yet ...Sorry but I have say it .

Participating in botnet - check IP address in cbl.abuseat.org

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