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I Stopped spam By Reporting One Of Them. Feel Guilty.


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No need to read the whole story below. I got lots of porn spam with short descriptions and links to porn sites for a while. Then one day a more personal email arrived. It only asked "Lode?" my first name and first letters of my email address. I figured it was a sex working lady, and reported it to SC as I had done with all the others. From then on I have gotten no more spam. So it looks like that person warned the porn-spammers that I was reporting them to SC.

Next time I get that kind of spam -if ever- I will not report a similar semi-personal mail to SC. So I'll keep getting the spam, just to report it... :P

PPS: The same kind of spam is starting up again. Glad to be able to report it. :D



Over the last few weeks I was suddenly getting lots of porn spam. Every few minutes at least one.I reported all of them.

After a week I got one that was different from all the others. This one only had a short personal message without any porn advertising sentence or link in it. It only had:

"Lode?" (My first name.)

I hesitated reporting it to SC, as I thought it might be an attempt from the spammer(s) to find out who was reporting the spam to SC. And if so, I would not get spam anymore, but also not be reporting it, so others would continue to get it.

But I was curious to see If I was right, so I reported it. And yes: no more spam shortly after I reported that one. For about a week not one spam. Then it began again, same type. I reported it all again. And then a few days ago again that different one asking "Lode?"

Again I hesitated to report it. But after thinking about it for a minute I thought: "Well, it's spam, so just report it. Hmmm, it's not really spam. Nothing is being offered you, no link, no malware. But I deserve to be without spam, it'll give you more time to do more useful things instead of keeping you laptop running just to report spam all the time."

That was the lame excuse I gave myself. And I reported it. Again, no more spam since then for some days already now.
So now I feel guilty of selfishness.... am I forgiven?

I almost feel like going to one of those porn sites and sign up for a one day deal, and so give them my email address...

In any case, if it starts again, this time I won't report the "checking" email.

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Why not report?

As for going to one of the porn sites and signing up, all the porn emails you then get will no longer be spam! Because you will then have "a prior business relationship" with the pornographer/spammers. But of course that is your call.

Remember spam rules: "All spammers are dumb" "All spammers assume you are dumber then they are!"

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Thank you.

If I get that same type of spam again I will report it again. Except this time for the "checking" email if they would appear among the real spam once more.. So as not to let them know it is me who is reporting them. Otherwise they'll spread the message among them to exclude me from their spam list.

At least that is the impression I got: that they send a personal note from an ISP they did not use for sending spam, just to see if I would report it. If they would hear from that ISP from which they had send that email that they were being kicked out for spamming, they would know it was I who reported it. Then they spread the word that I'm reporting spam, to warn others no to spam me any more.

I might be mistaken, but that is what I think might have happened. It was only after me reporting that personal email that the spam stopped.

As for signing up for porn to get spam again, just to report it again, I'm good but not crazy as they say in my country... ;)


Come to think again, it might have been spam from a sex worker seeking personal contact. So that it was not a "checking" email to see if I was reporting spam. Otherwise, since they must have many thousands or more of email addresses to send spam to, they would have to send personal emails to all of them using a different ISP for each one of them, an impossibility. "Lode" is the beginning of my email address, so based on that a sex-worker might have used that to ask me "Lode?" to start contact.

I just find it coincidental that after reporting that particular email the spam stopped.

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I just post this to bump up this tread, so those who already read it -or those who might still want to read it- see that I edited a PS on top of my first post in this thread I started. No need to read my other posts below it. That was just me thinking out loud -speculating- all kinds of things that I now realize were not so.

Next time I get that kind of spam -if ever- I will not report a similar semi-personal mail to SC. So I'll keep getting the spam, just to report it... :P

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I just got one of them with (Test) in the subject line. On purpose I clicked on the link in it, which brought me to the porn site, left that and did not report that one spam.

Let them think it is not me... :)

I already got another "normal" one a few minutes later that I reported. I'm getting them every 10-20 minutes now, and enjoy reporting them. I just check after an hour again if I'm not using my notebook in between.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some weeks now I've been getting spam every 5-10 minutes. All with different email addresses and different looking links, but all leading to the same porn site. I've checked it by clicking on a link on some days among the dozens I got. Always the same site. I've reported all of it to SC.

Is this normal? Or does that site maybe suspect -or know- I've been reporting the spam to SC, and they are just taking revenge?

Logically to me it make no sense to send me spam every 5-10 minutes for the same site. Or am I mistaken?

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&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The first thing to bear in mind is that spammers are stupid (see SC Forum FAQ entry "Spammer Rules" Rule #3 and its corollaries). The next thing to note is that spammers are often indiscriminate about repeating the same or nearly the same spam to the same victims, for various reasons.

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To add to Steve T's reference to spammer rule #3, for a domain I monitor, newsletter{AT}business_name.org just received 11 spam for "reduce your school debit" and info{AT}business_name.org received 19 of the same spam.

Those two mail boxes, newsletter and info, are "clearly" displayed on the organization's website and were scanned some years ago. In cycles they have been receiving various types of spam ever sense. Needless to say I (the only one that sees these mailboxes) have never responded to any of the 1ks of spam received AND they all have been reported to SpamCop and others.

Only a spammer would think that a non-profit needs student-debit reduction, cheap drugs, porn, $1,500,000 from a women dieing from cancer (Well maybe), etc. But it keeps coming without ever getting a response ~ because it cost them (almost) nothing to send. AND there are just enough fools that do respond, and send money to make it a going business.

Your email seems to be on the current list of email addresses making the rounds among porn spammers, like a kidney stone, this too shall pass.

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