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No MX records found

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I reported some spam and when I logged in I got the following message:

Bounce error
Your email address, postmaster[at]mydomain has returned a bounce:

I checked my email - I've got emails coming in from elsewhere and I sent a test message from Gmail. All is OK.

Mxtoolbox reports no problems, the same goes for dnsqueries.com

Going into the Mailhosts if I try to add anything with my domain in it I get

No MX records found for mydomain

So is there something wrong with SpamCop's lookups?


Nothing wrong that I am aware of. Maybe SpamCop just doesn't like you today (JOKE).

If you can't find anything wrong, and your ISP/mail server is not "bouncing" out of hand anything from SpamCop.net (because it sees the keyword spam) I would log into SpamCop and reset the bounce flag for your account.

Another unknown is whether the mailhost lookup is tied in anyway to the bounce flag for your account. This also could be have been a temporary glitch, those things do happen.

Clear the bounce flag, submit another spam and see if the problem has been resolved.


SpamCop reports no MX records for my domain when I enter it into the email address box. The MX records for my domain are OK and email is working fine - I've got the usual amount of email this morning when I checked. It doesn't matter if I reset the bounce flag.


Barring a glitch somewhere, "No MX records" would be something I'd normally only expect for a newly registered domain or one where there are recent changes, while the relevant DNS info gets propagated round to ALL the places it needs to be.


Have you checked with your mail server? They could have changed their filtering policy without notice and are now blocking (incorrectly bouncing) email from SpamCop.net due to the name. This type action has been reported here in the past.


That doesn't explain why the Mailhost config page reports no MX records for my domain

The Report spam page says they got a bounce but it shows a blank subject.

I can chase my upstream mail host (who the MX records point to) who just relay the email through to my server without applying any filtering.


Is there anyone here who can help?

Why does Spamcop say "No MX records found for tty.org.uk" when any tool I can find on line reports my upstream mailhost as the MX record.

I assume this problem with Spamcop's MX lookups is the reason for getting the "Bounce" message when I go to report spam where the subject is apparently blank.


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