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Check url redirects


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I've seen an increase in the use of URL redirects.

Most of the spam I'm receiving these days starts with a link from an URL shortener like owl.ly which redirects to a server that redirects to a second server and in some cases there's even a third server involved.

I found this using tools like ur query.net or webtoolhub.com

It would be great that spamcop incorporated similar technology to report all urls involved and not just the URL shorteners (which, as you say "twitterdoesntcareaboutspamreports"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've seen an increase in the use of URL redirects.

Most of the spam I'm receiving these days starts with a link from an URL shortener like owl.ly which redirects to a server that redirects to a second server and in some cases there's even a third server involved.

I found this using tools like ur query.net or webtoolhub.com

It would be great that spamcop incorporated similar technology to report all urls involved and not just the URL shorteners (which, as you say "twitterdoesntcareaboutspamreports"

It's been like this for a while now so they can avoid being trapped by reporting services like Spamcop and the like. Thanks for the tools!

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