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False Spamadvertising Report

Ramy Anwer

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Dear All,

We have received a notification from our data-center informing us that our web hosting account has been suspended due to illegal spamadvertising from our account,

After deep investigation we have got that the spamming email was contain a link of our website without site owner's permission.

how can we inform spamcop.net with this case although the spamming email was not sent from our Mail Server IP from a hidden whois domain

Thanks for your time, waiting your feedback

Best Regards,
Ramy Anwer 


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Although no evidence was provided to show how SpamCop was involved, this thread has been moved from "Reporting Help" to "Blocklist Help"

If in fact, your host suspended your account due to a spamadvertising report from SpamCop, lisati's advice is correct.

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The "report" that was sent by SpamCop that contains the link (previously mentioned is other's posts) would have been sent to the data-center that has suspended your account.  This means you will need to work directly with the data-center for both the update to spamcop and to get them to give you your account back.

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