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Message exceeds 50000 bytes.


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I now receive spam that contains padding so that the links to the bad guy's websites are down past 50,000 characters.  Thus when I submit it, I have to truncate it and then get the message no links found.
  One I received today had over 1600 lines of <A SRC ='HTTPS:OUtlook.CoM’> between <style> and </style>.

Does SPAMCOP have an easy tool to remove this padding or do I have to strip it out manually in order to report it?

Thank you.

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outlook.com is a microsoft website.  In my humble opinion, microsoft and other hosting companies do not care about their site being used in someone else's spam.  You might see other sites in there that might care more,  Most of the folks that I have seen that care are the ones that control the SMTP side of spam.  This is in part why I believe spamcop does the truncation of email.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If there is junk added in to a style sheet in the spam or other blatant filler to either add so many URLs that SpamCop gives up or pushes the size out beyond 50KB so that the actual payload URLs are deleted by truncating the message, I have started removing much of the repetitive junk out of the message to make it work.  The spam I was receiving that did this routinely has now stopped, whether by filtering upstream from me or because they finally ran their run, but the URLs they were using were a much better target than the myriad 'bot sites being used to send it.  So, I munged it myself, rationalizing that SpamCop would have "munged" it too, just at the end of the message and not in the middle like me.

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