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Why is report going to offender?


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Parsing header:
0: Received: from sv06.members.wayfair.com (sv06.members.wayfair.com. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTP id 11si5647508qtx.268.2016. for <x>; Sat, 03 Dec 2016 09:44:07 -0800 (PST)

Hostname verified: sv06.members.wayfair.com
Gmail/Postini received mail from sending system

1: Received: from sveis06.host.bo1.csnzoo.com ([]) by sv06.members.wayfair.com (-); Sat, 03 Dec 2016 12:44:00 -0500

Internal handoff or trivial forgery

The way I read the parsing, I don't thank it was. The report was sent to the last valid node (0) in the path not the maybe forged source (1) csnzoo.com

Assuming you are using the web form or submit email to process your spam, before you press the <send spam report(s) now> button, you can un-check the box next to that destination.


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