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Unable To Configure Mail Host

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I am receiving the following after I try to configure my mailhosts.   I haven't used Spamcop for sometime but I seem to be getting a lot of spam all of a sudden so went to use it today and I needed to configure this.  I get to step 2 to send me an email and I receive this:



Sorry, all tests failed.

We cannot deliver mail to the address you provided: actualemailremoved.com. Double check the address provided or try again later. Your mailhost appears to be offline.

Detailed errors:

Connecting to inbound.actualemailremoved.com.netsolmail.net.:
smtpSend:smtpEnvelope (service@admin.spamcop.net, actualemailremoved.com): smtpFrom: mail From service@admin.spamcop.net: error (553 5.3.0 Your message was rejected for possible spam/virus content.Please ask your email provider to visit http://emailadmin.registeredsite.com for resolution. )

Sometimes, mailservers are temporarily unavailable. If you believe you have entered your email address and other details correctly, you might just wait a few minutes (or 24 hours) and try again.


I removed my actual email address in the above text.

I have added service@admin.spamcop.net to the safe list at network solutions email account, and checked http://emailadmin.registeredsite.com for my IP and it is not blocked.   (Bell Canada user)

The IP address that appears above is blocked.   Not sure what that is in the message above or if its relevant.  It doesn't appear in WHOIS.  

What am I doing wrong?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Richard spam Cop administered advised by email that ... 



It would appear NS is refusing to accept the mail from

You should file a complaint with them about that.

I've added the NS mailhosts to your SpamCop account.  If you have any other email addresses you use and will be report spam, please add those to your account.





Thanks Richard for your assistance.  

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