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Spam filters help please


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Hey - I'm spoiled. I want SpamCop to block 100% of spam now. I am getting more and more making past the default block, and past my rapidly growing keyword filter list. I am looking for some techincal help to eliminate the newer version of spam that are annoying me. They are simple mail messages with an attached .jpg file that contains Viagra nonsense, whatever. Since they are jpg files, the spam filters can't pick up the text in them. Is there a way to block these as well? Thanks! Hope I can get an answer this time guys...

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I'm not positive if you're a SpamCop Email user. (If you are, I'll move this topic to the SpamCop Email forum).

Assuming you are, there's no way you'll ever achieve 100% blocking with filters. Depending on how many people email you, you might want to just turn on the "Block All" option. Then, whitelist the people who you actually want to hear from. That will block basically 100% of spam. You'll need to check your held mail carefully for the first couple weeks, but much less after that.


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