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How to report spam which was forwarded from another internal user?


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Hi All,

I would like to report spam from an email which was forwarded to me within my company by another user.  When I view the source and paste it into SpamCop to report it wants to report the person who forwarded this email to me, the internal user.

Please advise on how best to report a forwarded email to mark the originator as the spammer.

Thank you all,


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Welcome Steve,

The short answer is "You can't report spam received by others"  you can only report spam YOU receive from the spammer.

In the case you address, your "friend" is sending you the (copy of) unwanted email.

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Steve could not report the "Clean" attachment (without his friend as the source).  The attachment is not addressed to Steve and so the parser would choke when checking with the mailhost configuration (if that's what you had in mind).

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2 hours ago, Lking said:

Steve could not report the "Clean" attachment (without his friend as the source).  The attachment is not addressed to Steve and so the parser would choke when checking with the mailhost configuration (if that's what you had in mind).

I don't think you are right. spam without my name anywhere is reported fine so provided 'my friend' is using the same email system and incoming servers as 'Steve' a forward as attachment looks just like a 'Steve' for mailhost analysis.


Same for any system for which many email addies arrive in the same mailbox.


Try it and see.

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The system used by spamcop works best if the original recipient of the unwanted mail submits the spam. An email from a colleague wouldn't normally be classed as spam, even if it's a copy of an unwanted email they've received.

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michaelanglo and lisati, I believe are both correct. I overlooked/ forgot the detail that the original email was sent to a friend that was using the same office email system (At least we are assuming that the original email was sent to the same email system that Steve has configured in his SpamCop mailhost).

I surely do report spam from 4 domains, all mailboxes with one vary simple mailhost sense all domains are served by the same mail system/host and therefor follow the same internal path.


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