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[Resolved] Suggestion: Stop Redirect Popup

Jeff G.

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Popups take for bloody ever to open when I've got a bunch of browser sessions running.  Please consider changing "Redirect" to use the existing window.

Changes like that aren't likely. Remember, we're using a system that someone else wrote. Adding stuff is easier than changing stuff that's already there.

That said, what happens if you tell it to compose email in the same window instead of a new window. Does that change the Redirect behavior?


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Popups take for bloody ever to open when I've got a bunch of browser sessions running.  Please consider changing "Redirect" to use the existing window.

what happens if you tell it to compose email in the same window instead of a new window. Does that change the Redirect behavior?

That setting must have changed when I wasn't looking. I turned off the compose popup (Options / Message Composition / Uncheck "Compose messages in a separate window"), producing "no_newmail_popup=1" in the URL. After that, Redirect didn't use a popup. Thanks for the hint!

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