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registrant email addresses removed


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It is possible to get spammer domain registration email addresses removed:

Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 01:50:04 -0700

To: System spam Report <xxx>

Subject: Re: ABUSE Fwd: Cialis - very low price  (KMM13872521V80582L0KM)

From: Yahoo!Mail <mail-abuse[at]yahoo-inc.com>


Although it does not appear that this message originated from the Yahoo!

Mail system, there is a "[at]yahoo.com" address within the message or

message headers and we believe that this account is being used in

connection with the unwanted email message.  Consequently, we have taken

appropriate action against this account as per the Yahoo! Terms of

Service (TOS). ...







    Private Imaging Bruce Willing


    128 ventura blvd 212 Englewood CO 48310 US

    Tel. 1.3526792560 is a notorious spam host

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It looks as though Yahoo! has changed their tune a bit... every spam I submitted to them in the past, even if it contained a Yahoo! email address, came back with their boilerplate "The spam in question does not appear to have originated from or traveled through the Yahoo! mail system." message.

Of course, we're using SBC/Yahoo! as our ISP, so ALL the messages to us travel through the Yahoo! mail system, but apparently they weren't smart enough to figure that out.

At least now, they're shutting off email addresses that are advertised in spam. It's about time.

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The response from the big companies has been inconsistent, partially dependent on what email addresses (including non-US addresses) are used for reporting the spammer address. The response you mention is common.

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I have noticed a significan reduction in the spam I used to get at my yahoo address since I started reporting...got down from 200 or more a day to 1-4...I never gave that address to anyone, never made it public....So in effect it worked like a spamtrap...

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