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Problems sending mail from SpamCop to FreeServe

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Hi Folks,

I've had problems replying to mail recently, the most recent example follows (A FreeServe account). Previously I've had problems sending mail to FSNet.co.uk (possibly related to freeserve judging from the name?).

Is this error being generated on the FreeServe side or the Spamcop side?



Final-Recipient: rfc822;steven[at]xxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk

Action: failed

Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)

Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-': Client host rejected: Access denied' (delivery attempts: 0)

Reporting-MTA: dns; c60.cesmail.net

The following message to <steven[at]xxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'<c60.cesmail.net[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied'


The error message clearly indicates that Freeserve has decided to block email connections from SpamCop's server(s) ("Client host rejected"). That's what a 554 error means during an SMTP session. Given that, you'd have to talk to FreeServe, or better yet, get "Steven" to bring this to their attention for an explanation and how to get the blocking removed. In many cases, the sending server's admin would need to get involved, so Wazoo, you might want to bring this to JT's attention.

David T.

want to bring this to JT's attention

was done ... just noting that Freeserve has had numerous issues, sometimes it boiled down to a specific server, which is why I was hoping for a bit more data to go on.


Hi all,

I haven't got much more data available as yet - I'd certainly agree that it looks like FreeServe is rejecting the messages before they've reached the FreeServe mail system. This is the third FreeServe customer I've tried to reply to over the last fortnight or so, and all have failed with a 554 error. Its a bit awkward since freeServe is one of the most popular ISPs in the UK... <doh>

But read on...

Following are:

1) The response to a query about the issue I sent to FreeServe / FSNet ... (now called Wanadoo). Personally I think they've got the wrong end of the stick. I'm also beginning to wonder if they're actually using a whitelist rather than a blacklist, and not finding [] on the whitelist.

2) The complete message source of the failure message (munged).


Return-Path: <webform.response[at]uk.wanadoo.com>

Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 19:29:48 +0000

To: Michael Marsden <xxxxxxx[at]spamcop.net>

Subject: Re: Webmail query (KMM4892980V97174L0KM)

From: Wanadoo Webform Response <webform.response[at]uk.wanadoo.com>

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your email.

If you query spamcop you should find they've blocked freeserve

addresses. This is why you cant send to us.

Kind Regards

Wanadoo Technical Support


Wanadoo Customer Helpline: 0845 3307124

A pre-recorded line offering advice on connecting to Wanadoo, using

email, plus updates on the status of our Network. Calls to this line are

charged at local rates, lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a


Customer Care: 0870 8720099 (calls charged at national rate)

PC Technical support: 0906 2517517

Mac Technical support: 0906 7234000

(charged at 50p per minute, calls from mobile phones may vary depending

on your operator and tariff)


Return-Path: <>

Delivered-To: spamcop-net-xxxxxx[at]spamcop.net

Received: (qmail 6998 invoked from network); 9 Jul 2004 06:16:33 -0000

Received: from unknown (HELO c60.cesmail.net) (

by blade4.cesmail.net with SMTP; 9 Jul 2004 06:16:33 -0000

Received: from unknown (

by c60.cesmail.net with ; 09 Jul 2004 02:16:33 -0400

Date: 09 Jul 2004 02:16:33 -0400

To: xxxxxxxx[at]spamcop.net

From: Mail Delivery System <MAILER-DAEMON[at]c60.cesmail.net>

Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; boundary="10394011773001300.c60.cesmail.net"

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4

X-spam-Level: **

X-spam-Status: hits=2.4 tests=J_CHICKENPOX_32,J_CHICKENPOX_33,J_CHICKENPOX_43,

J_CHICKENPOX_44 version=2.63



content-type: text/plain

The following message to <steven[at]xxxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'<c60.cesmail.net[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied'


content-type: message/delivery-status

Final-Recipient: rfc822;steven[at]xxxxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk

Action: failed

Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)

Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'<c60.cesmail.net[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied' (delivery attempts: 0)

Reporting-MTA: dns; c60.cesmail.net


content-type: message/rfc822

Received: (qmail 23289 invoked by uid 99); 9 Jul 2004 06:16:31 -0000

Received: from xxxxx.demon.co.uk (xxxxx.demon.co.uk [80.176.xxxxxxx]) by

webmail.spamcop.net (Horde) with HTTP for

<xxxxxxxxx[at]spamcop.net[at]cesmail.net>; Fri, 9 Jul 2004 07:16:31 +0100

Message-ID: <20040709071631.e4rfmqwjoggg0k0s[at]webmail.spamcop.net>

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 07:16:31 +0100

From: Michael Marsden <xxxxxxxxx[at]spamcop.net>

To: steven green <steven[at]xxxxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk>

Subject: Re: book on oils

References: <001001c46610$5bddf800$9865fea9[at]yourlr8kjonf0j>

In-Reply-To: <001001c46610$5bddf800$9865fea9[at]yourlr8kjonf0j>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"

Content-Disposition: inline

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 4.0-cvs

Hi Steven,

From memory I'm reasonably sure it does, but I can't double-check because

I've already packed it! I put 1st class postage on it, so you should receive

it on Saturday if the Post Office are being good.



Quoting steven green <steven[at]xxxxxxxx.freeserve.co.uk>:

> Hi mike,look forward to the book,its for a friend down stairs. Just one

> question does it say what the oils are used for,it really doesn't matter if

> not.all the best Steve



Following are: 

1)  The response to a query about the issue I sent to FreeServe / FSNet ... (now called Wanadoo).  Personally I think they've got the wrong end of the stick.  I'm also beginning to wonder if they're actually using a whitelist rather than a blacklist, and not finding [] on the whitelist.



Return-Path: <webform.response[at]uk.wanadoo.com>

Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 19:29:48 +0000

To: Michael Marsden <xxxxxxx[at]spamcop.net>

Subject: Re: Webmail query  (KMM4892980V97174L0KM)

From: Wanadoo Webform Response <webform.response[at]uk.wanadoo.com>

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your email.

If you query spamcop you should find they've blocked freeserve

addresses. This is why you cant send to us.

Kind Regards

Wanadoo Technical Support



Hi, Mike,

...They don't necessarily have the "wrong end of the stick." It coud be that they're retailiating against SpamCop for being on the SC blocklist. I certainly have reported them as a spam source, many times!


Not that it's much help, but this just back from JT;

Yes, I seem to remember a UK ISP that was blocking us. I've got no idea why.



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