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22-year-old thrives in world of spam


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For a young man who has repeatedly reached into the personal e-mail boxes of uncountable numbers of Americans, Ryan Pitylak is awfully bashful. His name never appears as the sender in any of these e-mails, and he has taken great pains to set up hundreds of shell companies, with anodyne names such as Federated Continuum, Northern Alternative and Visionary Advanced, that conceal his true identity.


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For a young man who has repeatedly reached into the personal e-mail boxes of uncountable numbers of Americans, Ryan Pitylak is awfully bashful.

Hey, Spitzer! You totally blew the last one. Why not go after this #*$& and take his house and put him on the streets.

Okay, okay... so you're the AG of New York and have no jurisdiction over the guy - but you owe us big time! At the very least you should fly down there and key his car and maybe egg his house or something.

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