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SpamCop missing links in HTML?

Cry Havok

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I've just come across another case of SA apparently missing links in HTML emails. I've included the email below to assist in tracking down what's happening.


Email follows:

Received: from smtp-in2.blueyonder.co.uk ([]) by cluster3 with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 16:58:48 +0100

Received: from eback02.blueyonder.co.uk ([]) by smtp-in2.blueyonder.co.uk with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 16:58:48 +0100

Received: from [] (helo=anti-virus02-08.blueyonder.co.uk)

by eback02.blueyonder.co.uk with smtp (Exim 4.32)

id 1Bw0vK-0004Jm-58

for blah[at]blueyonder.co.uk; Sat, 14 Aug 2004 16:58:26 +0100

Received: from [] (helo=centaure.amabis.com)

by exim12.blueyonder.co.uk with esmtp (Exim 4.40)

id 1Bw0vJ-0007fC-Pp

for blah[at]blueyonder.co.uk; Sat, 14 Aug 2004 16:58:25 +0100

Received: from centaure.amabis.com (localhost [])

by centaure.amabis.com (8.12.5/8.12.5) with ESMTP id i7EFwLYT008870

for <blah[at]blueyonder.co.uk>; Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:58:21 +0200

Received: (from root[at]localhost)

by centaure.amabis.com (8.12.5/8.12.5/Submit) id i7EFwKgM008866;

Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:58:20 +0200

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:58:20 +0200

Message-Id: <200408141558.i7EFwKgM008866[at]centaure.amabis.com>

To: blah[at]blueyonder.co.uk

Subject: Verify PayPal Account

From: Safe Harbour<service[at]paypal.com>

Content-Type: text/html

X-Sent-To: blah[at]blueyonder.co.uk

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 14 Aug 2004 15:58:48.0270 (UTC) FILETIME=[95D2DEE0:01C48217]


<br>Dear customer

<br>We regret to inform you that your PayPal account will be suspended

<br>due to the violation of our site policy below:


<br>* Misrepresentation of Identity (User) - Representing yourself as

another PayPal user or registering using the identity of another.

<br>Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from

using PayPal in any way.

<br>This includes the registering of a new account.Please note that this

suspension does not relieve you of your agreed-upon obligation to pay any

fees you may owe to PayPal. According to our site policy you will have to

confirm that you are the real owner of the PayPal account by completing

the following form or else your account will be deleted.


<br>To update your PayPal records click here:








<br>Thank you for using PayPal!




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Your subject line says SpamCop, your posting says SA, so might be some confusion as to which "product" you might be complaining about. What would help much more would be the posting of the Tracking URL of the parse you say failed .. this web-based thing screws up the format of your alleged "perfect copy" .. and usually, after I've copied it from this screen and then "fixed" it to feed it to the parser, the "problem" disappears. By providing the Tracking URL, we could look at what was actuall submitted and the actual parser results, and try to explain things based on what really happened.

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