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Using Scripts


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We are supposed to hand check each submission as a double dog dare cross check to make sure it really really is spam.

Hand checking is tedious.

However, it is crucial that our submissions be 100% accurate. It is important to err on the side of accuracy.

Scripted submissions open the door to misteaks.

There is no "EDIT" or "RETRACT" once you submit spam to Spamcop so you need to be double dog sure you got it right or you should not be playing the reporting game.

I can fix my misteak in the forum here with the "EDIT" button. With spam reporting we don't have that luxury.

All that being said, submitting spam to Spamcop is too tedious for me to do every single day and for every single spam. I would welcome any strategies for speeding things up without compromising the quality of my submissions. :D

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All that being said, submitting spam to Spamcop is too tedious for me to do every single day and for every single spam. I would welcome any strategies for speeding things up without compromising the quality of my submissions.  :D


...There are lots of different strategies. You could:
  • report the latest, working backwards, until your patience wears out :) <g>
  • report only spams of a certain type (for example, the meds or the porn)

...Basically, reporting spam that lots of other SpamCop users are also reporting or which are going to spamtraps is probably not useful -- others' reporting and spamtraps will cause the source of the spew to be listed. OTOH, reporting spam which only you are reporting to SpamCop is probably not of much use because only one report will not cause the spam source to get listed. Although if a lot of other non-SpamCop addresses are receiving spam from a source that is a compromised machine, it may be helpful to the compromised machine's admin to receive your report.

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With my spamcop email account, it is very quick and easy to report every held spam (~150-200/day) with the Report as spam link for quick reporting of the source. I also forward the 1 or 2 every day that slip past the filters for full reporting of source ans links.

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With my spamcop email account, it is very quick and easy to report every held spam (~150-200/day) with the Report as spam link for quick reporting of the source.  I also forward the 1 or 2 every day that slip past the filters for full reporting of source ans links.


...Warning: Quick Reporting may result in reporting your own provider as a source of spam! Use with extreme caution!!!!
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Thanks for the warning...I usually add that, but forgot.

I tested my mailhost configuration a full week with all 150-200 spams before trusting it. I also scan every confirmation email for mistaken reports. I have found a few messages that were not spam but I have never (even before mailhosts) seen an error in the spamcop parsing. Others have very different tales to tell.

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I have a Mac with OSX. Although I do batch reporting and batch the final send, we have a tab feature on our Safari browser that alows each report to show in its own window. I am able to check each spam report before sending the final report. I have yet to sign up for the password security sign in. At this point is the reporting still functioning or am I doing the rporting in vain? What does the new sign in process entail?

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First an answer: Password log in is not yet required to report spam.

I report spam several ways, some require a password login some do not.

By the way, it is possible to report spam using a SpamCop email account without logingin (doing full reporting, but to get full account access you do have to login)

Now before a more detailed answer is given we have many many questions

It is very possible that you are not completing the reporting process and if that is the case then you are reporting in vain. But my crystal ball is in the repair shop today.

I have a Mac with OSX. Although I do batch reporting and batch the final send, we have a tab feature on our Safari browser that alows each report to show in its own window. I am able to check each spam report before sending the final report. I have yet to sign up for the password security sign in. At this point is the reporting still functioning or am I doing the rporting in vain? What does the new sign in process entail?


Please explain in a bit more detail

What type of account are you using? (previously answered)

The free user section now has a log in method that is strongly being recommended to use.Will this method allow the use of scripting to batch report and finish reporting of spam?


What type of reporting are you doing? full reporting, quick reporting. (normal assumption is full reporting, If you do not know, that is easily confirmed by other information provided when giving step by step procedures.

You did give two important pieces of information

Operating system: MAC with OSX

Browswer: Safari - version#?

How are you accessing your mail using Safari? please be specific

example I logon to https://webmail.pas.earthlink.net

"I do batch reporting" How do you create the batch? How and where do you send the batch?

"I am able to check each spam report before sending the final report."

How do you do this.

And finally how and where do you send the final report.

Note: some questions may be answered based on previous answers as there are many different ways to do the same thing with different results and steps.

By telling us the step by step process, then we can tell you if something is breaking down or not. Otherwise we are forced to resort to using our crystal balls which at best give us a 50/50 chance at coming up with a usable answer.

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Wouldn't that be an issue of and for the scri_pt writer?  And the usual comments, this automatic scripting thing, especially on the report side, always carries the not-recommended tag.


To clarify Wazoo's reply (his crystal ball seems to work better than mine but it too is far from perfect)
The free user section now has a log in method that is strongly being recommended to use.Will this method allow the use of scripting to batch report and finish reporting of spam?


If you are using scripting to create a batch to submit for full reporting (possibly implied by your later post) then Wazoo's warning would not apply.
<snip> I am able to check each spam report before sending the final report. <snip>


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Just got my crystal ball back from the repair shop so I thought I would give it a test run.

You access an email account using a browser.

Using a scri_pt you create a batch report (possibly an email with attachements) which permits you to submit a single request containing multiple spams to your spamcop reporting account.

Spamcop replies with a single email with links to indivdual parcing records.

Your browser allows you to open the records in separate individual windows.

You review each report, click on submit and off they go.

If my crystal ball gave me the right story, then the answer to your question

I have a Mac with OSX. Although I do batch reporting and batch the final send, we have a tab feature on our Safari browser that alows each report to show in its own window. I am able to check each spam report before sending the final report. I have yet to sign up for the password security sign in. At this point is the reporting still functioning or am I doing the rporting in vain? What does the new sign in process entail?


is password security is not yet required and your reporting is not in vain.

If my crystal ball is not working correctly and is in need for further repairs, then refer to my previous post.

What does the new sign in process entail?
Simply creating a user name and password, but it would not be utilized if the above process were followed.
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Just got my crystal ball back from the repair shop so I thought I would give it a test run.

You access an email account using a browser.

Using a scri_pt you create a batch report (possibly an email with attachements) which permits you to submit a single request containing  multiple spams to your spamcop reporting account.

Spamcop replies with a single email with links to indivdual parcing records.

Your browser allows you to open the records in separate individual windows.

You review each report, click on submit and off they go.

If my crystal ball gave me the right story, then the answer to your question is password security is not yet required and your reporting is not in vain.

If my crystal ball is not working correctly and is in need for further repairs, then refer to my previous post. Simply creating a user name and password, but it would not be utilized if the above process were followed.


Your crystal ball seems to be working fine, except that I access an eMail account with my Mail using one scri_pt to send a batch, then when I receive spamcop's eMail reply for reporting I use another scri_pt as you have so eloquintly described! Thank you, you have answered my original question! Who is your repairman? I would highly recommend him!

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