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External pop mail not in web Inbox?


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For the last few days, the messages from the external POP email accounts I have Spamcop check haven't been coming into the web inbox, though they're getting delivered to my mailbox in my mail client. So I can't move any spam that gets through into held mail, and I don't know if there's any legit mail for those accounts being caught and deleted where I can't see it.

Has anyone else noticed this? If so, is it being looked into? I'd like to be able to see my mail from the web interface again!


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I'm going to pretend that I think I understand the flow of our e-mail based on your description ... you still have your e-mail client POPing your ISP (?) account, so that you are actually getting all of your e-mail. For whatever reason, SpamCop isn't POPing the same ISP (?) account, so there is no action seen on the SpamCop servers.

Suggestion .. go through your set-up / configuration / Preferences ... see if you can either reset the account, kick it into checking the account again, or actually re-create that account and see if that clears something up ..... noting that the instructions hint at taking up to an hour or two to get the cycle actually started ...???

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For the last few days, the messages from the external POP email accounts I have Spamcop check haven't been coming into the web inbox, though they're getting delivered to my mailbox in my mail client.  So I can't move any spam that gets through into held mail, and I don't know if there's any legit mail for those accounts being caught and deleted where I can't see it.

Has anyone else noticed this?  If so, is it being looked into?  I'd like to be able to see my mail from the web interface again!



As Wazoo stated, something in your email setup is wrong.

From your description it is impossible for anyone to tell what is happening.

Check your mail client setup files to find out where it is getting its mail from.

Are you POPing your ISP

Are you POPing SpamCop

Are you using IMAP

Are you doing all of the above

Are you doing something different.

The following part of your message makes absolutely no sense to me

So I can't move any spam that gets through into held mail, and I don't know if there's any legit mail for those accounts being caught and deleted where I can't see it.
Held mail can be accessed totally independant of what happens to InBox mail. SpamCop never deletes anything on its own

Check your spamcop email preferences

Do you have it setup to forward you mail somewhere other than your SpamCop InBox?

Also note: it is far better to forward mail from an ISP than to POP it. POPing should only be done if forwarding is not an option.

You also made the following statement "those accounts" Do you have more than one account? If so make sure you check the setup on each and every one of them.

Then send some test messages to yourself to determine what each account is doing with the mail.

Finally if you need more help, please, please detail exactly what is happening step by step. Our crystal balls are in the repair shop!!!

If you can use IMAP, you can move mail from your local client directly to the SpamCop held mail folder.

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As Wazoo stated, something in your email setup is wrong.

From your description it is impossible for anyone to tell what is happening.

Check your mail client setup files to find out where it is getting its mail from.

Ok, nothing in my setup has been changed, I've been POPing that account through Spamcop for nearly a year with no problems, and my mail client does not check that account, it only checks the Spamcop one. The mail was arriving in my inbox in my mail client the way it normally does, which is why I didn't notice the problem for a few days.

I logged into the webmail client to report spam, the way I've been doing for nearly the last year, but the mail from that external account for the last several days was not in the inbox or the trash or anywhere else. The mail that had been sent directly to the Spamcop account in that period and also accessed through my mail client was still there. The headers in the mail that wasn't in the inbox said that it had passed through the Spamcop system and been checked for spam. My mail client does not delete anything from the webmail when I check it. Whether or not it makes sense to you, that's what's happening.

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This is only a stab in the dark .... what's the status of the account as far as money? I'm thinking that the flat-rate was for the filtering and when the account "died" .. this part of the "deal" went bye-bye .... so e-mail passed without being "looked at" ..??? again, just a wild guess .... ???

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After sending a dozen test messages in different configurations, and logging into webmail at different times, it seems that the messages are deleted from the inbox when my mail client checks it, but only for that account, not my other external POP account, or the Spamcop account itself. I haven't upgraded or changed any settings in my mail client, so I still have no idea why it would suddenly do this. But it doesn't seem to happen when I set my POP account to forward, so hopefully that will keep the problem fixed for a while.

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This is only a stab in the dark .... what's the status of the account as far as money?  I'm thinking that the flat-rate was for the filtering and when the account "died" .. this part of the "deal" went bye-bye .... so e-mail passed without being "looked at" ..???  again, just a wild guess .... ???


Nope, I'm paid up, and the other accounts are behaving just fine.

Sympatico, the POP server giving me the problems, has recently hopped in bed with MSN, so I wonder if that could have anything to do with it, though I can't imagine how that would be possible...

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Let me see if I have this straight.

You POP your messages from spamcop but leave them on the server as well for reporting if necessary. Messages to a specific account only, are being popped but not left on the server. All other messages are being left on the server after POP as expected.

If that is correct, have you confirmed with the headers that the messages not being held at spamcop actually passed through spamcop?

Perhaps you used a restore function which caused some of the settings to revert to popping those messages directly, skipping spamcop?

If your email client has IMAP capability, you could forget leaving the messages on the server and use IMAP to transfer them back to the spamcop Held Mail folder. I did that for a while and it was quite effective. I now check my mail on webmail first and only download the clean messages (keeps the kids away from the junk).

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You statement about forwarding messages now instead of having SpamCop POP as having fixed the problem would tend to support Steve's suggestion that you are also POPing the original account as well as the SpamCop account from your local client.

By the way, it is far better to forward mail to SpamCop than to POP from SpamCop. POPing should only be used when forwarding is not an option.

You may find the following interesting reading and you may want to post your own example as well. How I use spam Cop, A detailed example

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You statement about forwarding messages now instead of having SpamCop POP as having fixed the problem would tend to support Steve's suggestion that you are also POPing the original account as well as the SpamCop account from your local client.

By the way, it is far better to forward mail to SpamCop than to POP from SpamCop.  POPing should only be used when forwarding is not an option.

You may find the following interesting reading and you may want to post your own example as well. How I use spam Cop, A detailed example


You guys are probably going to think I'm crazy, but I've been forwarding since my last post here, and it's started happening again. It's deleting the stuff that's forwarded in from *only* that account after it gets checked by my mail client. I don't know how it can do that, but it does.

I changed my settings back to check the mail by POP, and as I'd set my other mail server to forward but also keep a copy, Spamcop checked that account when I changed it, and got another copy of all the messages that had come in since I had set it to forward, though in the webmail that was the only copy of those messages I had. Two copies in the mail client.

I'm not taking any medication, nor does anyone think I should be.

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You guys are probably going to think I'm crazy, but I've been forwarding since my last post here, and it's started happening again.  It's deleting the stuff that's forwarded in from *only* that account after it gets checked by my mail client.  I don't know how it can do that, but it does.

I changed my settings back to check the mail by POP, and as I'd set my other mail server to forward but also keep a copy, Spamcop checked that account when I changed it, and got another copy of all the messages that had come in since I had set it to forward, though in the webmail that was the only copy of those messages I had.  Two copies in the mail client.

I'm not taking any medication, nor does anyone think I should be.


Sure seems confusing.

Several things I would check.

"two copies in mail client, One copy at SpamCop" this is the normal result of poping both Spamcop and the original account from your local mail client.

How many mail servers (accounts) are set up on your local email client?

Check the preferences for each and every one of them to see what mail server they are set to POP.

Also check your filters, at SpamCop and local. You could be filtering on the email address which could cause the results you are reporting.

One thing does not make sense to me. I do not know how or if it is possible to forward and keep a copy of mail. I know with Earthlink if you select forwarding every other setting is ignored. You can still change the other settings, but they have no affect.

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You guys are probably going to think I'm crazy, but I've been forwarding since my last post here, and it's started happening again.  It's deleting the stuff that's forwarded in from *only* that account after it gets checked by my mail client.  I don't know how it can do that, but it does.


I want to send a note of reassurance -- I'm not certain I understand what you're seeing but I had a similarly vexing problem a couple of weeks ago. My primary client is Eudora, which I connect to Spamcop via IMAP. Sometimes I would open my email to find that random messages had been plucked from my inbox (including messages days old) and moved to my Held Mail box. Somehow the system randomly deleted and/or reported about 10 messages as I was trying to move them out of the Held Mail folder. This happened at least twice, and it was very frustrating, as I inadvertently reported several of my OWN messages that I had cc'ed to myself, as well as messages from my brother and from my ISPs.

When I saw a similar thing happen before my eyes on a different computer using a different client, I decided maybe it was the Junk Mail filter in my email client, so I turned off the feature that automatically moved junk to the Held Mail folder. At least I hope that was the problem because it's the only thing that made sense. I haven't seen the problem in about a week now so I'm hopeful.

SO check your client to see if it automatically does something with mail *THE CLIENT* identifies as junk. Because the client is constantly trying to refine its rules, the behavior changes over time and maybe it's started identifying more messages as spam and moving them before you see them.

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I am experiencing a similar problem with a hotmail account I have popped by spamcop then forwarded to an ISP which normally tags it as spam in a junk folder. When all gets done I normally drag the spam in my e-mail client to the IMAP held mail/spamcop folder. Lately I have seen my hotmail being popped in normal fasion yet vanish in limbo somewhere and never make it to my e-mail account. I have no idea where it flies.

Any suggestions?

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