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spam submissions now blocked by all three of my mail services

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I use three mail services. Gmail, Roadrunner and my self-hosted accounts for our domain, geldner.com, at Stablehost. Effectively now, none of them are allowing email submissions to my submit @ spamcop address. They either get dumped without response (Roadrunner) or not sent due to spam content at Gmail and Stablehost. Gmail was getting through but now they've tightened things up. Stablehost says they have no good way of whitelisting spamcop for outbound mail.

This will effectively end my Spamcop reporting unless I can find a solution.

No I am NOT going to cut & paste spam emails. I MIGHT be able to host a mail exchanger on my home computer (Spectrum cable internet) with Dynamic DNS but I'm not sure how that would work.

Any suggestions before I pull the plug on reporting?

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29 minutes ago, sakurasanta86 said:

I use three mail services. Gmail, Roadrunner and my self-hosted accounts for our domain, geldner.com, at Stablehost.

I am guessing that at Stablehost you have a shared SMTP outgoing mail set up, not one dedicated to you/your domains.  That was my solution I have a dedicated SMTP on my Virtual Machine.  That way I have total control of all incoming/outgoing settings.  I would press my host harder.

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5 hours ago, sakurasanta86 said:

Any suggestions before I pull the plug on reporting?

Email going through Gmail will alter headers so they cannot be Auto-parsed by SpamCop
If your ISP is blocking your email server you may wish to consider a VPN 

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20 hours ago, lisati said:

I've had gmail refuse to forward reports on occasion. I haven't notice any useful pattern (yet).

presently gmail headers 2nd line needs deleting before submitting. Trouble is ISP's need FULL headers as evidence

Delivered-To: x
Received: by 2002:a9d:21b7:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id s52-v6csp2028874otb; DELETE
        Sat, 28 Apr 2018 09:00:41 -0700 (PDT)
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