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It's kinda annoying that with most webforms it remembers the user name and often the password. If it doesn't I can use autofill to put the name in. With Spamcop, several times a day I need to type my full email address including the domain, and the password, which is becoming increasingly irritating. Any way to stop this?

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Please clarify...are you talking about logging in to the SC webmail system, or to the "www.spamcop.net" (or "mailsc.spamcop.net") reporting and account management site?

It may be due to your browser selection. The "autofill" capabilities of the FireFox browser are *far* superior to that of Internet Explorer, in that if the URL differs slightly, then IE doesn't recognize the form as being the same, and won't fill them in for you. FireFox, OTOH, does. I'm transitioning everyone I know away from using IE.


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The way I understand it, the implementation of Hoard IMP does not allow IE to even attempt to store the password for webmail login. Other web browsers do not have this problem with IMP.

androcles: Do I understand that the other thread you started has been solved? Could you please post your resolution for the next person who may find your thread matches their problem? Also, so others do not waste their time in posting answers to a question already solved.

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As the specifics are so unclear in both Topics, all has beenmerged into the first one started by this user. androcles, please add a bit more detail to what's going on and what the actual issue is. You make one complaint that you can't log in, but then making reference that you had moved your e-mail to SpamCop ... Maybe one could guess that you are complaining perhaps about trying to use a cell-phone to make a connection, but .... the term "SmartPhone" doesn't do much for me to make a stab as to what device, what OS, what tools might be involved.

The next Topic you started .. is this also dealing with the cell-phone or not? And again, no mention of the platform, OS, tools in the mix .... hard to help ...

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The way I understand it, the implementation of Hoard IMP does not allow IE to even attempt to store the password for webmail login.  Other web browsers do not have this problem with IMP.

Works fine for me with IE 5.0 W95B

both my "Favorites" entry to webmail and the Check Mail menu entry from VER and "Report spam" work and all I have to type is one character to retrieve both email addie and P/W

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