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Failed to add new host: Client host [] blocked using rep.mailspike.net

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Sense the blocking of spamcop mail to you is being blocked on your end by your software or your ISP's email applications, not sure what you expect spamcop to do.

There are many blocklist in use. Each BL has its own criteria for which IPs are on their list and for how long.  Perhaps you can work with your ISP to white list SpamCop.

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I'm not sure why your server is blocking based on the mailspike "rep" (reputation) list. I had a look at their web page, and get the impression that it's not a general purpose list suitable for blocking everything from a listed IP address.

Mailspike's "bl" and "z" lists seem better suited to blocking/rejecting unwanted incoming emails.

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Thanks for the answers.

I agree, that using bl.mailspike.org would make more sense than using rep.mailspike.org. However this wouldn't make any difference as the rating of vmx.spamcop.org is the same for both lists.

Trying to white list SpamCop with my ISP would only be a very partial solution. In my opinion SpamCop should take action to get delisted from rep.mailspike.org and bl.mailspike.org (just checked: has still "Worst possible reputation" on both lists). Correct me, if I'm mistaken, but I reckon the whole process of reporting spam to SpamCop is crippled, if mail from SpamCop is not delivered to the corresponding site administrators due to SpamCop being blocked by other blacklists.

By the way: I just checked at mxtoolbox.com: SpamCop is currently also blacklisted with Backscatterer, Casa Cbl and Spfbl Dnsbl...


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  • 2 months later...

Glad to hear you have been able to get our reporting account's mailhost configured.  It does seem mindless that one organization fighting spam, blocks the efforts of other organization in the fight.  I guess that is the world we live in.

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