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[Resolved] Error adding new host.

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I setup my own server.


When adding I am getting an error.

Sorry, all tests failed.

We cannot deliver mail to the address you provided: me@at.com. Double check the address provided or try again later. Your mailhost appears to be offline.

Detailed errors:

Connecting to mail.netservisity.com.:
smtpSend:smtpEnvelope (service@admin.spamcop.net, trent@netservisity.com): smtpTo rcpt to:me@at.com (450 4.7.1 : Helo command rejected: Host not found )

Sometimes, mailservers are temporarilly unavailable. If you believe you have entered your email address and other details correctly, you might just wait a few minutes (or 24 hours) and try again.


Server has been up for a month, or so and been sending/receiving mail just fine.


Why is this indicating offline?




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Have you googled the 450 error returned by your email server?  That would explain why the spamcop mailhost system fails to send email to your email system The clue is in the  result you quoted.


Connecting to mail.netservisity.com.:
smtpSend:smtpEnvelope (service@admin.spamcop.net, trent@netservisity.com): smtpTo rcpt to:me@at.com (450 4.7.1 : Helo command rejected: Host not found )

I saw more than one link with suggested help when I searched for "450 error"  I can not vouch for anyone of them. Your choice.

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I see it has something to do with postfix settings.

I am not sure if it is accepting the changes I made, or not as now the Spamcop server seems to be having issues now.


Gateway Timeout

The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

Reference #1.6534dfad.1537935366.1f6786



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