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What's the best way to report spam?


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I just registered and would like to help contribute to spamcop by reporting the spam I'm getting. I have tried submitting spam using several different methods and it doesn't seem to be working at all. Here's what I've tried...

I tried using MS Outlook XP (I think it's basically Outlook 2000) to report spam to the special email account I was instructed to use by the system. I tried sending it as an attachment but I later read in an FAQ somewhere that Outlook 2000 was not working very well in this regard and I should use something else. (REF: http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/122.html) In any case, the system at spamcop will always send back a message saying...

"SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing: SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:"

Next, I tried Outlook Express 6 and tried attaching the spam messages to a forward, but that didn't work either. Same error.

I also tried viewing and copying the mail headers (as described here.. http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/119.html) and pasting the information into the forms on spamcop.net but that didn't seem to work either. It keeps saying that "no source ip address could be found".

The one thing that confuses me... If I look at "show past reports" it seems that some of the spams I have submitted are being recorded because it shows the subject lines of some of the messages I sent.

So is it working or not? Am I doing everything right? Is there something I could be doing better?? Thanks in advance!

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Use of Outlook Express by Forwarding "as attachment" will work just fine. Outlook submittals "can" be done, but .... this has ben covered so many times in so many places ... if you have OE6, use it.

Your description of pasting-the-headers-into-the-form seems to leave a lot out. The entire spam should be put into that form. Perhaps easier, right-click on the Subject line found in the list of InBox contents, View Details, Show Source, right-click in there to Select All, right click again to Copy .. then right-clik in the paste-your-spam-in-the-box and select Paste .... it should be in there in a complete mode ready to parse ...

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Use of Outlook Express by Forwarding "as attachment" will work just fine.  Outlook submittals "can" be done, but ....  this has ben covered so many times in so many places ... if you have OE6, use it.


As I understand it, Outlook buggers up the headers as it receives them. Using OE6 to submit something that's 'been through' Outlook won't work, therefore. But I may be misreading the OP's train of actions, if so please ignore this post. Hope that makes sense!

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I tried using MS Outlook XP (I think it's basically Outlook 2000) to report spam to the special email account I was instructed to use by the system.  I tried sending it as an attachment but I later read in an FAQ somewhere that Outlook 2000 was not working very well in this regard and I should use something else.  (REF: http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/122.html)  In any case, the system at spamcop will always send back a message saying...

"SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing: SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:"


...Outlook 2000 and 2003 generally (but not always) work for me. See My reply in thread "Reporting spam".

...As for the web-based submission form at http://www.spamcop.net/, I don't recall ever having a problem using the two-part form (nor, before it was implemented, with the one-part form). What I do is:

  • use Tools | Options | E-mail Options to turn on the "Read all standard mail in plain test" option
  • open the spam e-mail and "copy" the body into, then paste into the lower part of the two-part submission form (note: sometimes the body is empty -- in this case, I just enter "<empty body>" into the lower part of the form)
  • close the spam e-mail, right-click the e-mail entry, click Options, copy the "Internet headers," then paste into the top part of the two-part submission form
  • click the "Process spam" button


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...Outlook 2000 and 2003 generally (but not always) work for me.  See My reply in thread "Reporting spam".

...As for the web-based submission form at http://www.spamcop.net/, I don't recall ever having a problem using the two-part form (nor, before it was implemented, with the one-part form).  What I do is:

  • use Tools | Options | E-mail Options to turn on the "Read all standard mail in plain test" option
  • open the spam e-mail and "copy" the body into, then paste into the lower part of the two-part submission form (note: sometimes the body is empty -- in this case, I just enter "<empty body>" into the lower part of the form)
  • close the spam e-mail, right-click the e-mail entry, click Options, copy the "Internet headers," then paste into the top part of the two-part submission form
  • click the "Process spam" button



What a fag! No wonder poeple write third-party add-ins!

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hello Derek

yes, what a fag! Do you know some of those 3rd party add-ins ?

My e-mail submission as attachment does not work, so alternate ways are welcome.

gaby :unsure:

What a fag! No wonder poeple write third-party add-ins!


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From the FAQ http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2238

SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service

How do I get my email program to reveal the full, unmodified email?

Microsoft products

Outlook 98 and 2000

THe add-in programs are at the bottom of that page.


Thank you Steven,

I found them. Any advice on the best one ? Is the free one OK ?

gaby :unsure:

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