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Need Some Basic Help


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We are new here.

We are a reporting user.

We searched on GOOGLE for help and reached here.

We are receiving more than 1000+ emails a day when we normally get about 10 a day.

Some one seems to be using or email ID to send bulk emails.

All the ID's where the return email comes back to us.

How do we resolve this ?

Many Thanks


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Hi, Deva!

...Are you a SpamCop reporting user? An e-mail admin? I can not tell from your message what brought you here and what you hope to learn from us SpamCop users. Let us know and I'm sure someone here will be able to help you. :) <g>

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As a reporting user, the first thing to note is that bounces are not to be reported through the SpamCop system. (see the FAQ for the current state of the Rules and agreements) In general, there isn't a lot you can do. You have this spammer that forged your e-mail address into that spam. This spam gets sent out, usually using a list of e-mail addresses either obtained or developed elsewhere, but this list has many bad/old/made-up addresses included. These bad addresses get the spam sent to ISPs that bounce the spam back to the "original sender" whcih unfortunately is "you" due to the forged From: line contents. (Although following the ground-rules that were developed way back when the concept of what is now the Internet started, spammers have destroyed the "trust" model that the "net" was based on.)

You can analyze the headers, complain to the ISPs that are sending the bounces.

If any of the bounces contains enough good data, you may be able to make a complaint to the source (your own report, again, against the rules to use SpamCOp to try to send these complaints out)

You could hire some folks to try to track fown the spammer and sue the heck out of them for the forgery and fraud, but realistically, nobody has enough time or money to make this worth the effort.

You can wait it out. Generally, this lasts from a few days to a few weeks, then the spammer pulls another address out of the hat and it becomes someone else's issue of the moment.

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We are new here.

We are a reporting user.

We searched on GOOGLE for help and reached here.

We are receiving more than 1000+ emails a day when we normally get about 10 a day.

Some one seems to be using or email ID to send bulk emails.

All the ID's where the return email comes back to us.

How do we resolve this ?

Many Thanks




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, my name is Mark and I work for a Material Handling company in the Pacific Northwest. I am getting thousands of bounces a day for mail that we never sent. I know that the sender is forged and I suspect that a worm on some machine in the ether could very well be the culprit. I am also being signed up for mailing lists and Yahoo groups that I never subscribed to. I have some rules in place (Outlook Express) that dump the majority of bounces into the bit bucket so I sort of have that under control. I signed up for Spamcop today and I have started reporting. Some of these bounces have worms/virri in them and I have reliable virus protection in place. I guess my question is: Am I doing what I need to be doing for this issue? I was informed by our web and mail host that the bounces should go away shortly, but that was weeks ago and nothing has tapered off. I am very concerned that this activity is doing harm to our business reputation and I also feel very vulnerable as I don't know if I am doing the right thing here. Would anybody like to give me a hug and tell me everything is going to be ok? :)

Fondest Regards


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<HUG> Everything will be OK ;)

However, you can not report bounces through spamcop as that is against spamcop's rules. You will be able to use spamcop to determine the origin of the bounces and manually report asking them to stop bouncing to forged addressess. You may be able to use spamcop to determine the origin of the original spam and manually report that to the ISP.

You also can not report virus messages through spamcop as that is also against spamcop's rules. You will be able to use spamcop to determine the origin of the virus and manually report that to the ISP.

Reporting done this way, especially if it is a virus causing most of the problems, has in my experience, led to the elimination of the virus at it's source.

Good luck.

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Moved / Merged this last post into an existing Help Topic ... PM'd the poster advising of the new location.

There's another bit of on-going discussion over in the E-Mail Forum at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2987 ... but part of that Topic looks like it might be ready for a split and some of it moved to the Lounge ....

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