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Reporting Newsgroup Spam


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...Can you describe in a bit more detail what you mean by "bad luck?"  Are there error messages?  Is there a tracking URL you could post?


I wish I had an example to give you...should have waited until it happened again. I got a response something on the line of "Unable to resolve blah blah" or "Unable to find message...etc"

I'd put a line break between the last "To" and the Subject line.

I had CCP'd the offending post from right clicking it's header and looking at the properties/details.

Maybe I should wait until I have an example??!!

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...Is there perhaps a blank line somewhere within the Internet headers? That might cause the SpamCop parser to think that the body starts somewhere other than where it should. The two-part form might address that. However, I wouldn't think "Unable to find message..." would be the error it would issue if that were the case.

...Might there be an inconsistency between a "Content-Type" header value and the actual message text (for example, the "Content-Type" header says the body is HTML but the body is actually plain text)?

...Doing a "Search" in these fora for "Unable to find message" might give you relevant hits....

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...Is there perhaps a blank line somewhere within the Internet headers?  That might cause the SpamCop parser to think that the body starts somewhere other than where it should.  The two-part form might address that.  However, I wouldn't think "Unable to find message..." would be the error it would issue if that were the case.

...Might there be an inconsistency between a "Content-Type" header value and the actual message text (for example, the "Content-Type" header says the body is HTML but the body is actually plain text)?

...Doing a "Search" in these fora for "Unable to find message" might give you relevant hits....


Thanks very much, I'll look into it.

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I'm going to start with that I'm not exactly sure what is meant by "the CCP method" .... Maybe something to do with the tools used to actually read the newsgroup postings? Bu t then you specify "certain newsgroups" ... does this actually mean some "newsgroups" or might this actually be something pointed towards a newsgroup server?

Starting with the most common tool in the Windows world, Outlook Express ... you'd do the right-click on the post, select properties, select Details, click on "Message Source" ... in that window, select all, Copy all, then paste that into the paste-your-spam-in-here box on the www.spamcop.net page ... start the process ... There should be no cutting, editing, modification to what got copied/pasted ...

As it's so easy to forge data into a newsgroup posting, the SpamCop parser is loking for a few certain lines and constructs ... if those lines aren't there or are way out of whack, parsing stops. And as in reporting e-mail, it's up to the reporter to ensure that the parsing results do look valid before hitting the Sned button.

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